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The Eighth Congress of Putian Elderly Sports Association was held

2024-01-31 08:55 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The Eighth Congress of the Municipal Sports Association for the Elderly was held

Wang Meixiang, Fu Chaoyang attended and made a speech Lin Xuyang attended

On the morning of January 30, the eighth congress of the Municipal Sports Association for the Elderly was held. Wang Meixiang, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, chairman of the Provincial Federation of Sports for the Aged, and Fu Chaoyang, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended and delivered speeches. Municipal leaders Lin Xuyang, He Jinqing, Lin Shaowen and Wang Shaohua attended. Yuan Suling, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Head of the Organization Department, presided over the meeting.

Wang Meixiang, on behalf of the Provincial Federation of Sports for the Elderly, expressed warm congratulations on the opening of the conference and fully affirmed the achievements of sports for the elderly in Putian. She said that the CPC committees and governments at all levels in Putian City conscientiously implement the aging work policy, implement the policies and measures to strengthen the elderly sports work, and the elderly sports cause is booming and healthy. It is hoped that the new Putian Municipal Association for the Aged and the county/district (management committee) associations for the aged will fully understand the importance of doing a good job in sports for the elderly, earnestly implement the spirit of the provincial conference on sports for the elderly and the requirements of the Notice of Fujian Provincial Sports Bureau on Further Doing a Good Job in Sports for the Elderly, and comprehensively strengthen all work. We should stick to the promotion and popularization of sports and fitness programs for the elderly on the one hand, create "fitness and recreation homes for the elderly" on the other hand, build "two teams" of elderly sports volunteers and elderly sports and fitness backbones, and make good use of the "two positions" of elderly sports activity centers (rooms), venues (halls) and fitness (counseling) stations, We will improve the "two platforms" of the elderly fitness conference and the national fitness games to ensure the effective development of elderly fitness activities. We should go deep into the investigation and research at the grass-roots level, strengthen the organization construction of the grass-roots elderly sports associations, speed up the construction of fitness facilities for the elderly, improve the work service guarantee mechanism, and strive to write a new chapter of the elderly sports work in Putian.

Fu Chaoyang fully affirmed the achievements made since the Seventh Congress of the Municipal Association for Retired Sports. He said that he hoped that the new Municipal Old Sports Association team would further enhance the sense of responsibility, mission and urgency to do a good job, focus on the center and serve the overall situation, and better help Putian green high-quality development. Always adhere to the heart of a pure child, firmly support the "two establishment", firmly implement the "two maintenance", and firmly believe in the Party; Always adhere to the spirit of dedication, be a good enthusiastic organizer, dedicated service provider, enthusiastic propagandist, and achieve physical and mental pleasure, warm sunset; Always uphold a sunny heart, maintain optimism and kindness, adhere to hard work and good thinking, pay attention to unity and cooperation, and achieve upward and upward progress and rosy sky. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government will, as always, attach importance to supporting the sports work for the elderly, strive to create better conditions, and promote the sports work for the elderly to glow with new vitality.

Members of the new council and board of supervisors of the Municipal Sports Association for the Elderly were elected at the meeting. Wang Yufang, newly elected chairman of the 8th Municipal Old Sports Association, made a statement. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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