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Putian New Industrialization Promotion Conference Held Fu Chaoyang Attended and Delivered a Speech Hosted by Lin Xuyang

09:05, January 30, 2024 Source: Editor in charge of Meizhou Daily: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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In the afternoon of January 29, the city's new industrialization promotion conference was held to thoroughly study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on promoting new industrialization, implement the spirit of the national and provincial new industrialization promotion conference, and deploy key tasks for the current and future periods. Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech, and Lin Xuyang, Mayor, presided over. Municipal leaders Chen Zhiqiang, Gao Yu, Wang Shiwen, Hu National Defense, Lin Shaowen, Zhu Zhengyang, Zhu Haihui and Zhang Zhihong attended the meeting.

"Promoting new industrialization is the basis, potential and hope of high-quality development, and the real economy is the top priority." Fu Chaoyang fully affirmed the achievements of industrialization in our city, and combined with the domestic and international situation, in-depth analysis of the problems and challenges faced in promoting new industrialization. He said that we should have a "big country" in mind, consolidate and expand the theme of education achievements, deepen the "three struggles" action, recognize the general trend, assess the situation, face the environment squarely, face the shortcomings, enhance the sense of hardship, strengthen confidence and determination, and bend down to grasp the industry and pursue development wholeheartedly, "Ignite our dreams and hopes, stimulate everyone's momentum and vitality, and work hard to achieve strategic goals. Putian has a promising future!"

Fu Chaoyang stressed that we should clarify the path, grasp the key, and take the road of strengthening the city through new industrialization. We should focus on the construction of industrial clusters and create new advantages. We will strengthen targeted investment attraction, seek more strategies, attract more large central enterprises, foster more leading enterprises, and train more projects. We will focus on improving quality, expanding up and down, and combining vertical and horizontal efforts. We will lay out new tracks and new fields, transform and upgrade traditional industries, accelerate the growth of emerging industries, vigorously develop modern producer services, and promote the 13 key industrial chains to form new quality productivity. We should focus on the empowerment of the "three strategies" and add new impetus. We will strengthen innovation empowerment, digital empowerment, and brand valuation, and guide enterprises to persevere in doing so. "Everyone is a brand member, and we will work together to protect the 'Putian' brand.". We should focus on deepening reform and opening up and expand new space. Take a clear-cut stand on investment benefits, tax per mu, give play to the advantages of Pushang and Puqiao, and work hard in the reform of the park, opening up, cross-strait integration and other aspects to constantly expand the development space. We should focus on improving the development environment and stimulating new vitality. We should make good use of the platform of "one map of the city, all digital", optimize the business environment, and effectively reduce the burden for grassroots and enterprises

"There is no shortcut to a strong city through industry, but only practical work." Fu Chaoyang asked that leadership be strengthened, security be consolidated, and a strong synergy be gathered to accelerate the promotion of new industrialization. Improve the operation mechanism of "chain leader+special class", strengthen information gathering, research and judgment, exchange, strengthen the policy coordination of finance and taxation, finance, land use, etc., and stick to the key points and implementation. Strengthen assessment and evaluation, create a strong atmosphere, build a new industrial city with new industrialization, accelerate the construction of a leading city of green and high-quality development, and add luster to the overall situation of the province with the light of Putian!

The meeting also made specific arrangements for the "good start", "stable opening" and work safety in the first quarter. At the meeting, the main responsible comrades of all counties, districts and Bei'an made exchange speeches, and the principals of some innovation laboratories, industry associations, private enterprises and financial institutions in our city attended. The meeting was held in the form of video, and each county/district (management committee) set up a branch venue. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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