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Putian Delegation Continues to Review Liang Jianyong, Fu Chaoyang, Lin Xuyang, Su Yongge and Others Attend the Review

2024-01-25 10:30 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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On January 24, the Putian delegation attending the second session of the 14th Provincial People's Congress continued to review the work report of the provincial government. Liang Jianyong, Fu Chaoyang, Lin Xuyang, Su Yongge and other representatives attended the review.

Wang Qiang said that in the past year, the provincial government grasped the overall situation, gave full play to its unique advantages, focused on the grand blueprint of new Fujian construction and the important requirements of "four bigger", and comprehensively promoted high-quality development; Adhere to the principle of putting the people first and improving people's well-being, and earnestly achieve "what the people expect, what the government wants, what the people get, and what the government enjoys"; Take the initiative to recognize changes, stand at the forefront of the times, and scientifically plan and deploy the "Fujian Plan" for the new year. The provincial inspection and patrol agencies will move forward, focus on the center and serve the overall situation, sharpen the inspection sword more brightly, and find the entry point and focus on the practical service to ensure high-quality development; Adhere to principles, grasp policies, focus on results, integrate strict supervision and management and incentive responsibility, and better encourage cadres to dare to act, local people to dare to venture, enterprises to dare to act, and the masses to dare to initiate.

The representative of Ruan Jun said that the government work report summarized the work of last year, which was objective, comprehensive and inspiring, and the deployment of this year's work tasks was clear and the measures were strong. It is suggested that we should hold high the banner of development, sing the theme of high-quality development, and focus on increasing confidence, ensuring stability and benefiting people's livelihood. We should seize the major opportunity of the construction of the demonstration zone for the integrated development of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, strive for more national policy preferences, industrial layout, and key project distribution, and better serve the cause of national reunification. We should create a good business environment, vigorously develop the private economy, standardize administrative law enforcement, and prevent the abuse of public power; Exchange the "tight days" of the government for the "easy days" of private enterprises and the "good days" of the people, and improve the efficiency of the use of government special funds.

The representative of Zheng Guohua said that the government work report has a high political standing, a solid summary of achievements, a precise work plan, and a bright future. It reflects the requirements of the central government, conforms to the reality of our province, and conforms to the expectations of the masses. It is suggested to improve the effectiveness of social security policies and the use efficiency of social security funds, sort out and optimize the capital projects in the field of people's livelihood, including social assistance, and allow cities and counties to properly integrate different types of funds on the premise of ensuring that social security funds are not abused or misappropriated, so as to make overall use of all kinds of funds related to poverty and poverty, better cover the bottom line, ensure people's livelihood, and promote development.

Representative Zhou Ruixiang said that the government work report is farsighted, pragmatic and inspiring. It is suggested that Putian should support the establishment of an interactive mechanism for high-level talents to be introduced by schools and enterprises, and give full play to the sharing advantages of talents in teaching and research in universities, practice in enterprises, and achievements transformation. Create a more open and inclusive talent introduction environment, and appropriately relax the age limit for high-level talents in urgent need.

Representative Zhang Lan said that the government work report is core, inspiring and warm. It is suggested to strengthen the training of AI professionals and independent innovation in basic technology, carry out multi-level and multi-dimensional AI security governance and ethical construction, and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in AI security governance.

Representative Huang Xi suggested that we should adhere to the province's one game strategy, make the digital economy bigger, stronger and better, introduce relevant policies to promote the reform of digital elements and the development of digital assets, accelerate the expansion of digital element market, promote data registration and confirmation, pricing and evaluation, asset entry, and market transactions, and stimulate the development of the digital economy.

Representative Liu Minghua proposed to accelerate the formulation of policies and regulations related to the ownership reform of job related scientific and technological achievements, promote the transformation of more job related scientific and technological achievements into practical productivity, and promote the deep integration of industry, university and research.

Wang Wenhui, Zheng Songqing, Zhang Chunzhi, Xu Zhiyang, Zhu Jiuzhen, Lin Jianken, Chen Ning, Lin Qiuyun, Zheng Lihuang, Ou Zhengqing, Huang Fuhua, Chen Yushu, Zhu Yanxian, Zheng Qunxing, Xu Chencong, Zhu Xiaochun, Yuan Min, Chen Jianhong, Li Fengrong, Huang Feipeng, Cai Weisheng, Li Xiaoping, Huang Haisheng, Lin Jianping, Zhao Lushan and other representatives focus on industrial development, marine economy Business environment and Mazu culture made speeches and put forward suggestions.

The delegates also considered the plan report and draft, budget report and draft. Meizhou Daily Reporter Huang Guoqing)

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