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Putian Seventh Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Family Members Held

2024-01-20 10:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The 7th Municipal Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Family Members of Overseas Chinese was held

Fu Chaoyang, Chen Shihai made a speech at the opening ceremony, Lin Xuyang and others attended

On the morning of January 19, the seventh Putian Municipal Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Family Members was held. Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Shihai, Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. Municipal leaders Lin Xuyang, Su Yongge, Shen Mengya, Gao Yu, Huang Zhenyao, Cai Guoping, Hu Guofang, Huang Hua and others attended.

Fu Chaoyang, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee, expressed warm congratulations on the opening of the conference, heartfelt thanks to people from all walks of life who have long cared for and supported the development of Putian, and sincere greetings to the returned overseas Chinese and their families, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese workers.

Fu Chaoyang fully affirmed the achievements made by all levels of overseas Chinese federations in the city in recent years. He said that on the solid foundation laid by the previous Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, we should keep in mind the instructions, be grateful and forge ahead, systematically promote the "One Five Two Three Four" work, and accelerate the construction of a leading city for green and high-quality development. This year coincides with the 25th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping personally promoting the governance of Mulan Creek. This steaming fertile land ushers in more and greater new opportunities, and also brings a broader stage and unlimited business opportunities for overseas Chinese. "We sincerely hope that you will actively participate in the struggle for Putian's tomorrow!"

Fu Chaoyang sent a message to the vast number of overseas Chinese, hoping to foster deep feelings, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of overseas Chinese, take the Chinese Dream as the common vision, further enhance the support, understanding and recognition of the Party, the country and socialism, and become a leader of patriotism and hometown love. It is hoped that with overseas Chinese as the bridge, we can bridge the gap between "bringing in" and "going out", take the initiative to build a platform for attracting investment and talents, help more "made in Putian" and "brand in Putian" to open up the international market and become the promoter of hometown development. It is hoped that drinking water will reflect on the source, inherit the feeling of "taking the bridge to express one's ambition and eating eggplants to express one's ambition", and try one's best to do what one can in public welfare undertakings, so as to be a practitioner of social responsibility. I hope to integrate China and foreign countries, tell a good story of China and Putian, proudly shout "we are Putian people", and be the communicator of native accent.

"The overseas Chinese of the Federation of Overseas Chinese is the 'bridge' to return home, connect with each other, and cooperate with each other." Fu Chaoyang requested that the Federation of Overseas Chinese at all levels should always have a mind of "the biggest country", focus on the main theme, adhere to strict governance, take care, be honest and innovative, make good use of the "Tianxia Putian People" platform, better serve the overall development situation, serve the returned overseas Chinese and their families and overseas Chinese, and let the people of Tianxia Putian warm their hearts Return to your heart. Party committees and governments at all levels should further strengthen and improve their leadership over the work of the Federation of Overseas Chinese, and promote the stability and long-term development of the cause of the Federation of Overseas Chinese.

In his speech, Chen Shihai fully affirmed the achievements made by the organizations of overseas Chinese federations at all levels in Putian, and pointed out that the next step is to adhere to political guidance and unite the masses of overseas Chinese more closely around the Party; We should adhere to serving the overall situation, and show the responsibility of overseas Chinese in Putian's answer paper, which is a good way to write the chapter of Chinese modernization in Fujian; We should adhere to the principle of taking overseas Chinese as the foundation and serve them wholeheartedly; We should adhere to strengthening the foundation, and constantly improve the organizational vitality of the overseas Chinese federation system.

The main responsible comrades of the Municipal Women's Federation delivered speeches on behalf of the people's organizations, overseas representatives delivered speeches at the opening ceremony, and Guo Lihong, the chairman of the Municipal Federation of Overseas Chinese, delivered a work report on behalf of the Sixth Committee of the Municipal Federation of Overseas Chinese. The meeting also commended the advanced collectives and workers of overseas Chinese in our city. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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