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The Ninth Congress of the Communist Youth League of Putian was held

2024-01-19 08:41 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The Ninth Congress of the Communist Youth League of Putian was held

Speech by Fu Chaoyang, Li Teng, Lin Xuyang and others attended

On the morning of January 18, the ninth congress of the Communist Youth League of Putian was held. Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Li Teng, Secretary of the Provincial Youth League Committee, attended the meeting to congratulate him. Municipal leaders Lin Xuyang, Su Yongge, Shen Mengya, Yuan Suling, Chen Huiqian, Lin Jianwei, Gao Yu, Zheng Jiaqing, Wu Zongxing, Hu Guofang, Zhao Aihong attended.

Fu Chaoyang, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee, expressed warm congratulations on the opening of the conference, heartfelt thanks to people from all walks of life who have long cared about and supported the work of Putian Communist Youth League, and sincere greetings to all the delegates attending the conference and the youth, members of the Communist Youth League, and youth workers in the city.

Fu Chaoyang fully affirmed the achievements of the League organizations at all levels in the city since the eighth Youth League Congress. He pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the work of youth and the Communist Youth League, and placed great hopes on youth. It is hoped that the youth throughout the city will firmly implement the youth oath of "Rest assured of the Party and make a strong country have me", closely link personal ideals with the destiny of the country and the nation, embrace dreams and be down-to-earth, dare to think, dare to act and do well, so that youth will blossom in Putian's practice of Chinese modernization.

"A person's memory of youth is always unforgettable, and a country's memory of youth will have a profound impact." Fu Chaoyang earnestly encourages the youth of the city to anchor the youth course, firm belief, faith and confidence, learn and thoroughly understand Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance", Strive to be a young pioneer who listens to and follows the Party. We should polish the background of youth, consciously establish and practice the core socialist values, adhere to the right path, adhere to the truth, distinguish right from wrong, and combine knowledge with practice, "become a person with a bright heart", and strive to be a young pioneer who cultivates morality and walks the right path. We should encourage the strength of youth, actively participate in the main battlefield of "One Five Two Three Four" work, show vigor and vitality, practice skills hard, pursue excellence, release youth's initiative and creativity, and strive to be a young pioneer in building new achievements and businesses. We should strengthen our youth will, step on the soil and hard ground, calm down and settle down, correctly handle the "ego" and "big ego", inherit and carry forward the fine style of "four grassroots", use our feet to measure and understand the people's thoughts and expectations, and strive to be a young pioneer willing to bear hardships and able to bear hardships.

"The youth in Putian are the most worthy of love and expectation." Fu Chaoyang stressed that the city's youth league organizations at all levels should adhere to the leadership of the Party, grasp the theme of the youth movement era, adhere to educating people for the Party, serving the overall situation, caring for youth, self revolution, and do a solid job in leading and cohering young people such as enterprises, overseas Chinese, and Taiwanese. Party organizations at all levels should always adhere to the principle of the Party governing youth and support the Communist Youth League in its creative work. Leading cadres at all levels should be "distracted", care for the truth, educate carefully, and be strict with requirements, so as to provide a good environment for the growth and development of young people and make contributions. "I wish all the young people to realize their youth ideal and go out of their life!"

Li Teng's delegation, the provincial party committee, warmly congratulated the opening of the conference, fully affirmed the achievements of Putian's youth league organizations at all levels, encouraged them to earnestly perform the responsibility of "political school", and took the lead in learning, publicizing and implementing the party's innovative theory. We should bravely shoulder the mission of "pioneer force", and lead the youth league members to strive for the first place in the construction of a green and high-quality development pioneer city. We should give play to the role of "bridge and link" and use emotion to promote the all-round development of youth. We should anchor the goal of "advanced organizations" and revitalize them in comprehensively deepening reform and strictly governing the Communist Youth League.

At the meeting, representatives of the Young Pioneers made a speech to the conference, leading comrades of the Municipal Women's Federation delivered congratulatory speeches on behalf of the people's organizations, and Liu Dapeng made a work report on behalf of the eighth Putian Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League. Meizhou Daily Reporter Huang Guoqing)

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