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Fu Chaoyang Chaired the Meeting of Putian Urban Rural Planning and Development Committee

2024-01-17 10:34 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Find the right position, plan for high position, and work hard for a long time

Fu Chaoyang presided over the meeting of the Municipal Commission of Urban and Rural Planning and Development

On the morning of January 16, Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over a meeting of the Urban Rural Planning and Development Committee, and listened to reports on the joint development of port, industry and city, green heart protection and utilization, road construction, and other related situations. Municipal leaders Lin Xuyang, Su Yongge, Yuan Suling, Gao Yu, He Jinqing, Hu Guofang, Lin Shaowen, Zhu Zhengyang, Zhu Haihui, Zhao Aihong and others attended. Ruan Jun, Zheng Zujie and Wang Gang, Deputy General Manager of China International Economic Consulting Co., Ltd. were invited to attend the meeting.

The meeting stressed that we should deeply study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on urban work, unify our thoughts, strengthen our confidence, find the right position, focus on our efforts, persevere and work hard for a long time to build a famous cultural city in Mazu's hometown, a city with ecological charm of landscape, poetry and painting, a new industrial city with craftsmanship and intelligence, and a strategic port city connecting the river and the sea, and accelerate the construction of a leading city for green and high-quality development.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to strengthen top-level design, give play to the leading role of planning, look at future development based on the global perspective, national strategy and provincial location, highlight the core, advantages and potential of Putian city, "clearly pursue the goal, pry up the fulcrum", benchmark and plan at a high position, and take advantage of the momentum and step by step. We should speed up the improvement of the weak points, start from the urban development and the needs of the masses, coordinate the production and living ecology, coordinate the ground, underground and three-dimensional space, adhere to the principle of "first urgent then slow", implement step by step, improve the functional quality of the city, and ensure that the people benefit from one piece. It is necessary to create a bright brand, take care of every link related to Putian's city image, make good use of the "golden key" of "water bus", string beads into a chain, activate the green heart, do a good job of "water article", and promote polymorphism integration and popularity gathering. We should improve the mechanism, explore innovative investment and financing models, strengthen market-oriented and professional operations, promote the "government+group+social forces" model, and focus on the role of state-owned enterprises; Strengthen factor support, improve the strength of special teams, pull out lists, establish accounts, and conduct wall chart operations and make good achievements. "We should follow through on what we have decided and achieve results." Meizhou Daily Reporter Huang Guoqing)

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