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Fu Chaoyang Hosted the Learning Meeting of Putian Municipal Party Committee's Theoretical Learning Center Group

08:35, January 5, 2024 Source: Editor in charge of Meizhou Daily: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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In the afternoon of January 4, the theoretical learning center group of the municipal party committee held a learning meeting, Focusing on the theme of "learning and implementing Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, deeply understanding the decisive significance of 'two establishment', enhancing 'four consciousness', strengthening' four self-confidence ', achieving' two maintenance ', consolidating and expanding the achievements of thematic education, and gathering strong forces for building a leading city of green and high-quality development", We should further unify our thoughts and deepen our understanding, so as to lay a solid ideological foundation for holding the thematic democratic life meeting. Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over and delivered a speech, and the municipal leaders Lin Xuyang, Su Yongge, Shen Mengya, Yuan Suling, Chen Zhiqiang, Chen Huiqian, Lin Jianwei, Gao Yu, Zheng Jiaqing, and Xu Xiaoren attended.

At the meeting, Lin Jianwei, Gao Yu and Zheng Jiaqing spoke in turn, and other comrades made written exchanges.

The meeting stressed that we should go ahead and set an example in building a soul by concentrating our hearts. Take the lead in deepening, internalizing and transforming the work, comprehensively grasp the world outlook, methodology and the positions, views and methods contained in Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, internalize them in mind and externalize them in practice, further improve political judgment, political understanding and political execution, firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance".

The meeting stressed that we should take the lead and set an example in practical work. In accordance with the work plan of the Municipal Party Committee, we should focus on improving the quality of industrial development, urban quality, grassroots governance, people's livelihood services, port opening and upgrading, promote the list, implement closed-loop, and test the results of thematic education with tangible results.

The meeting stressed that we should take the lead and set an example in bringing benefits to the people. The people centered development idea of Shulao is combined with the project of "leading the Party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people", relying on the platform of "one map of the whole city, whole area digitalization" to implement a new round of "three major projects benefiting the people", run practical projects for the people, and constantly enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people. Adhere to the principle of ecological priority and green development, and address the prominent ecological and environmental problems around the masses. We will promote the work of maintaining stability through letters and visits, and create a harmonious and stable social atmosphere.

The meeting stressed that we should take the lead and set an example in clean and honest work. Take the lead in practicing the fine tradition of "Four Lower Grassroots", bend down, go deep into the grass roots, and get through to the end. Strictly abide by political discipline and rules, be cautious about being modest, cautious about words and deeds, be clean and honest, and be the leader, builder and defender of a good political ecology and social ethos. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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