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Putian Municipal Government Party Group Theory Learning Center Group Learning (Enlarged) Meeting Held

2024-01-04 08:27 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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On January 3, Lin Xuyang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal People's Government and Mayor of the Municipal People's Government, presided over the learning (expansion) meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal People's Government, focusing on in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, implementing the spirit of the national and provincial propaganda ideological and cultural work conference, and further enhancing the sense of responsibility and mission of doing well in the ideological and cultural work of the new era and new journey, Carry out centralized study and discussion. Chen Zhiqiang, Hu Defense, Lin Shaowen, Zhu Zhengyang, Zhu Haihui and Lin Shaoxiong, members of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Government, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Zhu Zhengyang, Zhu Haihui and Lin Shaoxiong made key speeches around the theme, and other comrades made written exchanges.

The meeting stressed that we should, with feelings and responsibilities, deeply study and carefully follow Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, deeply understand the significance, rich connotation and practical requirements, and more firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance". We should take the opportunity of being honored as a national historic and cultural city, vigorously promote Puxian opera, dialect, folk customs, etc., and accelerate the protection and utilization of famous cities, towns, villages, traditional villages, and historical buildings to make the city more cultural and meaningful. It is necessary to promote the development of cultural undertakings and industries, implement the plan of creating fine works of literature and art, deepen the integrated development of culture and tourism, further highlight the city's heritage and add vitality to the city. Meizhou Daily Reporter Wu Qina)

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