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Putian: Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang visited cadres and employees of the financial system

2024-01-01 10:25 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Improve the quality and efficiency of financial services to promote economic stability

Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang Visited the Cadres and Workers of the Financial System

On the 29th of last month, Fu Chaoyang, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Lin Xuyang, the mayor, visited some banking institutions and observed the year-end final accounts on the spot in combination with the theme education. City leaders Chen Zhiqiang and Gao Yu attended together.

"What is the growth of deposits and loans in the city in 2023? What is the overall situation of medium - and long-term loans? What is the current interest rate of enterprise loans?" Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang visited Putian Branch of the People's Bank of China and Putian Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China successively, inquired about the financial services, operation and management of banking institutions in detail, and communicated with front-line cadres and workers face to face, I would like to express my gratitude to the financial institutions for their support to local development. Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang said that since 2023, the city's financial system has thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on financial work, and has done a solid job in serving the real economy and preventing and controlling financial risks, which has played an important role in the smooth operation of the city's economy.

In terms of the next step, Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, further exert our advantages, make full use of various financial instruments, optimize products and innovative services, reduce enterprise financing costs, and improve the ability of financial services to key industrial chains and the real economy according to the deployment requirements of the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee. We should adhere to data empowerment, make good use of the platform of "one map for the whole city, all digital", clarify the development trend, focus and direction, and accurately meet the needs of private economy, key projects, small and micro enterprises. We should establish the idea of "one game of chess", focus on key work, strengthen overall planning and coordination, promote the effective allocation of financial resources, and promote the steady and long-term economic and social development of the city. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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