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Putian Municipal Government Municipal CPPCC Joint Meeting Held Lin Xuyang's Speech

10:33 on December 31, 2023-1Source: Editor in charge of Meizhou Daily: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Lin Xuyang's Speech at the Joint Meeting of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference

On December 28, the joint meeting of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference was held. Mayor Lin Xuyang and CPPCC Chairman Shen Mengya attended and delivered speeches.

Lin Xuyang thanked the CPPCC Municipal Committee for its strong support for the work of the municipal government. He said that over the past year, the CPPCC Municipal Committee has closely focused on the central work of the city, and worked together to highlight the role of the CPPCC Municipal Committee with actual results. It is hoped that the CPPCC Municipal Committee will continue to give play to the unique advantage of intelligence intensive, focus on Mulan Creek, Meizhou Island ecological protection and high-quality green development, Putian Taiwan integration, optimize the business environment, improve people's livelihood and other aspects, transform more insightful ideas, practical and hard recruitment into practical projects and measures, and contribute more talents to the overall situation of the city. The municipal government will, as always, support the work of the CPPCC, consciously accept democratic supervision, solidly handle the CPPCC proposals, and constantly create a new situation for the work of the government and the CPPCC.

Shen Mengya thanked the municipal government for its concern and support for the work of the CPPCC. She said that under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and the strong support of the municipal government, the Municipal People's Congress will continue to play the role of a special consultative body of the CPPCC, focus on the central work, focus on the main responsibility, innovate the consultation platform, strengthen communication and cooperation, and make in-depth consultations, suggestions and suggestions on creating a first-class business environment, improving the ecological environment, and implementing key livelihood projects, Take the lead in boosting industrial development, assisting the return of Putian businessmen, implementing scientific and technological innovation and other work, and truly achieve the goal of "building" advice to ideas, and "discussing" politics to key points, so as to contribute to the CPPCC's efforts to build Putian into a leading city of green and high-quality development.

At the meeting, Chen Zhiqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, and Huang Hua, deputy secretary and vice chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, respectively reported the work of the municipal government and the CPPCC Municipal Committee in 2023. Hu Defeng, Zhu Zhengyang and Zhu Haihui, vice mayors, Wang Shaohua, Zhao Aihong, Lin Yurui, Chen Daocheng, Yang Chaodong and Zhang Zhihong, vice chairmen of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, attended the meeting. Meizhou Daily Reporter Wu Qina)

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