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Putian: Lin Xuyang held a symposium at the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal CPPCC

2023-12-30 10:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Solicit opinions and suggestions on the government work report

Lin Xuyang held a symposium at the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal CPPCC

On December 28, Mayor Lin Xuyang chaired a symposium to solicit opinions and suggestions from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, various democratic parties, and the Federation of Industry and Commerce on the Government Work Report (Draft for Comments) to be submitted to the Third Session of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress for deliberation. Some members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Government, the CPPCC Municipal Committee and heads of relevant departments directly under the municipal government attended.

At the symposium, the participants spoke freely and put forward suggestions in terms of promoting the comprehensive management of Mulan Creek, carrying forward Mazu culture, promoting industrial transformation, improving the quality of the city, supporting the development of private economy, optimizing the business environment, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, etc.

Lin Xuyang listened carefully and recorded carefully. He thanked everyone for their opinions and suggestions, as well as their long-term concern and support for the government's work. He said that with the overall development of the city in mind and based on the actual work, the opinions put forward by everyone were very specific and pragmatic. The municipal government will carefully sort out and study, fully absorb and adopt, and strive to make the report more in line with the thoughts, thoughts and expectations of the city's people. We hope that you will continue to put forward more valuable suggestions for the government's decision-making and key work, seek more development initiatives, pool the power of development, and contribute more wisdom and strength to accelerate the construction of a leading city of green and high-quality development. The municipal government will fully support the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal CPPCC in carrying out their work, accept the legal supervision of the People's Congress and its Standing Committee and the democratic supervision of the CPPCC in accordance with the law, and handle the suggestions and proposals of the NPC deputies and CPPCC in a high-quality manner. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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