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Putian Municipal Party Committee Audit Committee Meeting Held Fu Chaoyang's Speech and Lin Xuyang Attended

2023-12-19 08:55 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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On the morning of December 18, Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Audit Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting of the Audit Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, conveyed the spirit of learning, reviewed the Report on Rectification of Problems Found in the 2022 Municipal Budget Implementation and Other Financial Expenditure Audit (Draft for Review), and studied and deployed the next stage of audit work. Municipal leaders Lin Xuyang, Chen Zhiqiang, Lin Jianwei, Gao Yu and Wang Shiwen attended.

The meeting pointed out that since this year, the city's audit institutions have conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial and municipal committees, closely followed the overall development situation, performed their audit supervision responsibilities according to law, and achieved positive results in promoting policy implementation, ensuring and improving people's livelihood.

The meeting stressed the need to adhere to political guidance. Be good at observing and analyzing economic and social problems from a political perspective, find the entry point, focus and foothold of audit supervision, and ensure that audit supervision will follow up wherever the work of the central, provincial and municipal Party committees is deployed, so as to escort green and high-quality development with high-quality audit.

The meeting stressed that we should adhere to the problem orientation. For the problems found in the audit, make a list, establish a standing book and classify them into different categories, define the "roadmap" and "schedule" for the rectification of each problem, overcome difficulties, and implement them in a closed loop; At the same time, draw inferences from one instance, establish rules and regulations, and better transform the effectiveness of audit supervision into governance effectiveness. We will improve the platform of "one map for the whole city, all digital", accurately depict and implement policies, and constantly improve the level of digital, standardized and scientific audit.

The meeting stressed that we should adhere to the idea of "one game of chess". Based on the current economic development situation, we should focus on key work, strengthen overall coordination, maintain pressure while maintaining stability, and make progress. We should continue to promote the integration and coordination of audit supervision and various types of supervision, build a large supervision work pattern, and promote the steady and long-term economic and social development of Putian. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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