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Putian: Lin Xuyang Investigates the Rectification of Environmental Protection Supervision Problems

2023-12-13 08:45 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Treating both symptoms and root causes and drawing inferences from other cases to continuously improve the quality of ecological environment

Lin Xuyang Investigates the Rectification of Environmental Protection Supervision Problems

On December 12, in combination with the theme education, the mayor Lin Xuyang led the heads of relevant departments directly under the municipal government to go deep into Chengxiang District and Bei'an Economic and Technological Development Zone to investigate the implementation of the third round of central ecological environmental protection supervision, which highlighted problems while supervising and improving the work.

Lin Xuyang came to Yangxi Waste Transfer Station in a "four no two straight" way to spot check the implementation of the site's rectification, and then went to Dahu Waste Landfill, Saideli Chemical Fiber Company, and Talin Village, Dongpu Town to check the rectification of relevant problems on the spot. Everywhere, Lin Xuyang has a detailed understanding of the causes of problems, rectification measures and rectification progress, in-depth analysis of the crux, on-site study of solutions, and urge the local government, relevant departments, and enterprises to do a good job in rectification.

During the survey, Lin Xuyang stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, firmly shoulder the political responsibility of ecological civilization construction, do a solid job in the rectification of prominent problems in the third round of central ecological environmental protection supervision, and promote the continuous improvement of the ecological environment. We should adhere to the principle of treating both the symptoms and root causes, draw inferences from other cases, find out the causes of pollution, carry out systematic remediation, truly identify problems, and do a careful job to ensure that all ecological and environmental problems that people care about are settled and echoed. We should continue to consolidate the results of rectification, timely carry out "looking back" on rectification, resolutely prevent false rectification, perfunctory rectification and coping rectification, and ensure that the problem rectification has achieved tangible results. We should strictly implement the requirements of "the Party and the government have the same responsibility, one post has two responsibilities" and "three management and three necessities" for ecological environment protection, strengthen industry supervision, strengthen law enforcement, truly tighten the responsibility chain, and firmly adhere to the bottom line of ecological environment safety. Meizhou Daily Reporter Wu Qina)

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