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"Putian Talent Month" was launched, Fu Chaoyang delivered a speech, and Lin Xuyang attended

2023-12-09 09:50 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Sincerely treat each other, wholeheartedly help each other, and wholeheartedly stick to the green high-quality development new track to show the most beautiful posture

"Putian Talent Month" was launched, Fu Chaoyang delivered a speech, and Lin Xuyang attended

On the occasion of the in-depth development of theme education, the launching ceremony of "talent gathering in Putian to rejuvenate Putian" - "Putian Talent Month" in 2023 was held in the city's digital center on the afternoon of December 8. Municipal leaders Fu Chaoyang, Lin Xuyang, Su Yongge, Shen Mengya, Yuan Suling, Lin Jianwei, Gao Yu and Hu Guofang attended and jointly launched the "Putian Talent Month" in 2023.

In his speech, Fu Chaoyang, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the leader of the Talent Work Leading Group of the Municipal Party Committee, fully affirmed that the city's talent promotion measures have become more accurate, the scale of talent gathering is growing, and the card of talent love is getting brighter and brighter, and expressed heartfelt thanks and sincere greetings to talent friends who are struggling in all walks of life.

"The prosperity of talents means the prosperity of all industries, and the good talents means the prosperity of all industries". Fu Chaoyang said that this year is the 40th anniversary of the founding of Putian. Looking back on the way of Laishi, Putian has always stood at the forefront and developed with high quality, relying on industry as the root, talent as the foundation, embracing everything and embracing all rivers; Looking ahead, the famous cultural city of Mazu's hometown, the ecological city of landscape poetry and painting, the new city of ingenuity and intelligent manufacturing industry, and the strategic port city of Tongjiang Dahai are slowly expanding and accelerating to rise, with bright prospects and broad stage. "The times call for talents, the cause calls for talents, and development craves talents". On this fertile land, we look forward to working with talent friends to describe the magnificent vision of a leading city for green and high-quality development.

"If you choose Putian, we will treat you sincerely". Fu Chaoyang said that wherever he came from, he was the closest comrade in arms here. We will take talent support action as the starting point, implement more active, more open and more effective talent policies, strengthen two-way interaction, and create a lush and vibrant ecosystem for talents. "When you integrate into Putian, we will help you wholeheartedly". We will focus on the main battlefield of development, make the stage of office work bigger horizontally and deeper vertically, loosen the tie for talents, empower enterprises, stimulate innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity, make outstanding talents stand out, and let talents and Putian achieve mutual success and grow together. "When you take root in Putian, we should guard each other carefully". We will focus on people's experience and human needs, improve hard support, optimize soft services, and solve the problems of the vital interests of talents with heart and feelings, so as to create a "spiritual harbor" for talents to live in peace and contentment in a beautiful city, beautiful ecology, and beautiful life.

Fu Chaoyang hopes that the vast number of talent friends can achieve perfection and a clear conscience in their posts, enlarge the pattern, foster feelings, create dazzling achievements, harvest their own glory and happiness, and achieve themselves, their families, their values, and Putian. On the new track of green and high-quality development, they can fully display the most beautiful attitude of life and show the most beautiful colors.

Yuan Suling, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Head of the Organization Department and Deputy Leader of the Talent Work Leading Group of the Municipal Party Committee, released Ten Highlights of Talent Work in 2023 and Ten Measures of Talent Work in 2024. Municipal leaders respectively issued employment certificates for industry chain expert representatives and honorary certificates for newly selected talent platform representatives. Six talent representatives, including Thomas, the winner of the Chinese Government Friendship Award and the chief chemical engineer of Fujian Huafeng New Materials Co., Ltd., shared their feelings of working and living in Putian. You also visited Putian Talent Work Achievement Exhibition. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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