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Putian: Lin Xuyang Investigates the Rectification of Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision Problems

2023-12-07 08:31 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Focusing on problems, sinking, supervising, cohesive force, ecological civilization construction

Lin Xuyang Investigates the Rectification of Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision Problems

In the afternoon of December 6, in combination with the theme education, the mayor Lin Xuyang led the heads of relevant departments directly under the municipal government to go deep into Hanjiang District, Licheng District and Xiuyu District to investigate and supervise the implementation of the third round of central ecological environmental protection supervision letters and visits. Vice Mayor Zhu Zhengyang attended the ceremony.

Lin Xuyang successively went to Hanjiang High tech Park Hairong Environmental Protection Co., Ltd., Tianma Village, Huangshi Town, and Longxin Building Materials Factory, Qianjiang Village, Dongqiao Town to inspect the rectification of relevant problems on the spot, solve the problems on the spot, study the rectification measures, and compact the work responsibilities. He demanded that enterprises should shoulder the main responsibility of ecological environmental protection and implement rectification measures to the letter. Local governments and relevant departments should strengthen their responsibility, refine the rectification plan with higher standards, effectively promote the implementation of rectification, and promote problem rectification, ecological restoration and environmental improvement in an integrated way.

During the survey, Lin Xuyang stressed that it is necessary to deeply understand the political nature, seriousness and importance of the central ecological environment protection supervision, carry out theme education, strictly and quickly rectify, firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance" with practical actions. We should adhere to the problem orientation, find out the people's feedback at the first time, namely, change upon knowing, establish and establish the bank, make strong efforts to tackle problems, check accounts and cancel accounts, and ensure that "we will not let go if problems are not identified, rectification is not in place, and people are not satisfied". We should take the opportunity of supervision and rectification, focus on plugging loopholes, reinforcing weaknesses, strengthening systems, promoting improvement, achieving normal supervision, long-term governance, and accelerating the construction of a leading city for green and high-quality development. (Meizhou Daily reporter Zhou Linghan)

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