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Putian: Fu Chaoyang went to the grass-roots level to supervise and inspect the ecological environment protection work

2023-12-01 09:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Focus on the problem, sink to the bottom, see the reinforcement, see the bone, grasp the rectification

Fu Chaoyang went to the grass-roots level to supervise and inspect the ecological environment protection work

On the morning of November 30, Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, carried out theme education in combination, carried forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots", and went deep into Licheng District to supervise and inspect the ecological environment protection work on the spot. Municipal leaders Gao Yu and Zhu Zhengyang attended together.

Fu Chaoyang randomly selected letters and visits through the platform of "One Map of the City, Whole Area Digitization" in the City Digital Center, and then went deep into Xitianwei Town, Gongchen Street and Xindu Town to conduct on-site verification on specific issues reflected by the masses, and visited local residents and households to listen to their voices, opinions and suggestions. "What is the responsible department? How long will the rectification be in place?" Fu Chaoyang asked in his supervision and inspection that we should adhere to the principle of putting the people first, and change the prominent issues and letters and visits that the masses care about, that is, to know and change, to establish and implement the reform, and to close the list, so as to prevent the rebound and occurrence of similar problems and ensure the satisfaction of the masses.

Fu Chaoyang stressed that the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision is a major institutional innovation and reform initiative personally planned and deployed by General Secretary Xi Jinping. All departments at all levels should conscientiously improve their political position, further tighten up and tighten up, check the standards and check the tables, supervise the requirements, conscientiously perform their duties, rectify the problems according to their strengths, and check and cancel the accounts one by one. We need to deepen the project of "leading the Party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people", make good use of the big data platform, open ports to the people, and coordinate online and offline. We should not only play a good role in enabling science and technology, but also pay attention to the cadres' sinking to the front line, strengthen the investigation and comprehensive research and judgment, and "one village, one file", and pass the customs one by one village. We should take the opportunity of the central supervision on ecological environment protection to make up for weaknesses and plug loopholes from the source, put our work on a daily basis and at key points, and spare no effort to promote the transformation of the results of supervision into the actual results of ecological civilization construction. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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