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The Third Reading Class Exchange Seminar of Putian Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee on Theme Education was held

2023-12-01 09:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The Third Reading Class Exchange Seminar on Thematic Education of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Learning Meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee were held

Fu Chaoyang Chairs and Addresses Lin Xuyang Attends

From November 29 to 30, the third reading class of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era was held. On the afternoon of the 30th, Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Leader of the Thematic Education Leading Group of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the reading class exchange seminar and the learning meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the Municipal Party Committee and delivered a speech. Lin Xuyang, Su Yongge, Shen Mengya, Yuan Suling and other leaders of the Municipal Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal People's Government, the Municipal CPPCC, the President of the Municipal Court and the Procurator General of the Municipal Procuratorate attended.

The conference focused on the theme of "learning and understanding the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Party building and the important statement of the Party's self revolution, vigorously promoting the style of pragmatism, promoting the style of honesty, cultivating the style of frugality and simplicity, promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and constantly achieving new results, and promoting green and high-quality development with high-quality party building". Lin Xuyang, Yuan Suling, Chen Huiqian, Lin Jianwei and Gao Yu made exchange speeches at the meeting, and other members of the Standing Committee made written speeches.

Fu Chaoyang pointed out that since the theme education was launched, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, and under the careful guidance of the Fifth Tour Supervision Group of the Provincial Party Committee, has held three reading classes. The theme was selected correctly, and the learning form was flexible, and the expected learning goals were achieved.

Fu Chaoyang stressed that learning and implementing Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era is a process that needs to be adhered to and deepened for a long time. We should focus on the theme education, anchor the goal and task, continue to see the actual results in theoretical learning, brain and mind, in investigation and research, promote development, and in inspection, rectification, and establishment of rules and regulations; Deliberately plan the special democratic life meeting to ensure high quality and new atmosphere. We should persevere in strengthening our commitment, have a mind of "being the biggest person in the country", focus on the "one five two three four" work deployment, serve the overall situation, focus on the problems, dare to take responsibility, pool joint efforts to show responsibility, deepen and expand the project of "leading the party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people", make good use of the platform of "one map of the city, whole area digitalization", give priority to the first level of work, lead the first level of work, work in harmony Work together from top to bottom to accelerate the construction of a leading city for green and high-quality development. It is necessary to constantly promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, enhance political determination, maintain the tenacity and perseverance on the road forever, and do solid political supervision, deepen daily supervision, do quasi special supervision, and strengthen grass-roots supervision; Adhere to the strict tone, promote "dare not corrupt, cannot corrupt, do not want to corrupt" in an integrated way, focus on the unhealthy tendencies and corruption problems around the masses, play the role of big data platform in source prevention, and promote prevention earlier, smaller, and more accurate; Hold the bottom line of clean government, conscientiously perform "one post with two responsibilities", take the lead to be strict with oneself, strictly manage the jurisdiction, and strictly assume their responsibilities, create a good political ecology of integrity, firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance" with the actual results of comprehensively strict governance of the party.

During this period, the reading class held a special counseling report on "learning and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, firmly grasping Xi Jinping's world outlook and methodology of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era", and invited Wang Yong, a professor of the Central Party School, to make a special counseling report on "adhering to the Party's self revolution, and promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the Party" through video. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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