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Putian Municipal Committee of the CPC Standing Committee held a conference on exchange of research results and analysis of typical cases on thematic education

2023-11-30 08:57 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The meeting on exchange of research results and analysis of typical cases of thematic education held by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee

Speech by Fu Chaoyang Xue Yunguan and Lin Xuyang attended

On the afternoon of November 29, a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee on the exchange of educational research results and the analysis of typical cases was held. The conference thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions on theme education, exchanged research results, analyzed typical cases, and promoted theme education to go deeper and more practical. Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Leader of the Thematic Education Leading Group of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Xue Yunguan, the leader of the Fifth Tour Supervision Group of the Provincial Party Committee, and Feng Jing, the deputy leader, attended the meeting for guidance. Municipal leaders Lin Xuyang, Su Yongge, Shen Mengya, Yuan Suling, Chen Zhiqiang, Chen Huiqian, Lin Jianwei, Gao Yu, Huang Zhenyao and others attended.

At the meeting, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, in combination with the research activities carried out earlier, focused on the research themes of "further improving the ability of Party building to lead grass-roots governance - investigation and reflection on the implementation of the project of" Party building to lead, strengthen the foundation and benefit the people "," investigation report on promoting green and high-quality development of manufacturing industry "," investigation and reflection on comprehensively encouraging cadres to take on the role of ", Exchange speeches were made one by one; Focusing on typical cases such as "practicing the Mulan River governance concept and promoting green and high-quality development" determined by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, in-depth exchanges and discussions were carried out, careful reflection and analysis were made, and the sports talks yielded ideas, which achieved the expected goal.

"Leading cadres should take the lead in advocating practical work, and refrain from empty talk." Fu Chaoyang stressed in his concluding speech that we should adhere to the problem orientation, research and seek strategies, and further promote the transformation of achievements. Learn deeply Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, master scientific methods, use big data to empower, and improve the scientificity and effectiveness of research; Adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, where the pain goes, from passive to active, from static to dynamic, from end to source, and promote problem solving; Pay attention to transformation and application, and earnestly translate the research results into actual achievements in promoting development, improving people's livelihood, preventing risks, and managing the party. We should make good use of positive and negative models, grasp the rules, and further improve the quality and efficiency of work. Systematically implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important concept of governing Mulan Creek and important mandate of protecting Meizhou Island, amplify advantages, summarize experience, and create advanced models; Take the case as the mirror, dissect the sparrow, find out the problems from the small to the big, and draw inferences from one instance to check the deficiencies and fill the gaps; Refine and sublimate, apply what you have learned to better guide and promote green and high-quality development.

Fu Chaoyang requested that we should pay attention to the above rate, the normal long-term effect, and further cultivate the fine style. Take the lead in carrying forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots", promote work with a solid style, and strive for excellence, excellence and efficiency. Deeply cultivate sincere feelings for the people and entrepreneurs, improve the working mechanism of "entrepreneur reception day", lower grassroots reception of people's visits and so on, effectively reduce the burden of the grassroots, unite from top to bottom, resonate with the same frequency, and take the party's mass line in the new era. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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