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The sixth first member representative conference of Putian Footwear Association was held

2023-11-27 08:25 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The sixth first member representative conference of Putian Footwear Association was held

Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang attended

In the afternoon of November 25, the first member representative meeting of the sixth session of Putian Footwear Association was held. Municipal leaders Fu Chaoyang, Lin Xuyang, Huang Zhenyao, Wang Shiwen and Zhang Zhihong attended. Representatives from member units, persons in charge of shoe enterprises, relevant parks and industry associations attended.

Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, congratulated all the newly elected members of the 6th Council at the meeting, and extended sincere greetings to the vast number of shoe entrepreneurs and people from all walks of life who care about and support the development of Putian's shoe industry.

"Wear Putian shoes and walk the world." Fu Chaoyang said that Putian shoes industry has grown from small to large, from weak to strong. With the joint efforts of all sectors of society, its scale output value has exceeded 100 billion yuan, and it has been awarded the "China Shoes Capital", which has become a distinctive symbol of this city and the pride of every Putian people. As an industry organization, the Municipal Footwear Association has done a lot of effective work in building an industry platform, uniting with others, and self-discipline in the industry, and has achieved a number of enterprisers with lofty ideals, feelings, wisdom, dedication, love, hard work, and ambition.

"At the critical stage of the transformation and development of Putian shoe industry, this congress is a mobilization meeting and also a pledge meeting." Fu Chaoyang said that he hoped that the majority of shoe entrepreneurs would emancipate their minds, dare to compete for the best, with a sense of mission, responsibility and urgency, gain insight into the industry trend, clarify the strategic direction, identify the positioning, stage and cycle of the industrial chain map, and gather collective wisdom, Go in the right direction. Adhere to the value, spread the brand, adhere to the systematic thinking, scientific path, strategic determination, respect the law, respect the characteristics, unswervingly strengthen the independent brand, raise the peak, strengthen the division of labor and cooperation, link up, care for every link, drive the reputation, seize the market, and win popularity by word of mouth. We need to build a platform for supply and demand docking, smooth the double circulation, further extend, supplement and strengthen the chain, improve the resilience and safety of the industrial chain supply chain, and appreciate and achieve each other. Honesty and self-discipline, protect the image, promote entrepreneurship and the spirit of Putian businessmen, be honest and law-abiding, operate in compliance, be tough, dare to fight against bad words and deeds, put an end to negative list behaviors, and jointly cherish the reputation of "Putian Shoes".

"Only when the government and enterprises go 'two-way' can Putian shoe industry be activated." Fu Chaoyang stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the city's "one game of chess", strengthen monitoring and analysis, identify comparative advantages, and avoid homogeneous competition. The special class of industrial chain should play a role, make good use of the platform of pro clean and preferential enterprises, implement the "two lists" of development and services, and accurately drip policies and funds to every enterprise. The Footwear Association should take the opportunity of the change of office to perform its duties solidly, take advantage of the situation, continue to be a good "mother family", and empower the whole industry.

Members of the new board of directors and board of supervisors of the Municipal Footwear Association were elected at the meeting. The leaders present at the meeting awarded medals to the elected president, chief supervisor and executive vice president. Chen Wenbiao, Chairman of Shuangchi Industrial Co., Ltd., who was elected as the President, made a statement. At the meeting, the self-discipline convention of Putian shoe industry and the negative list of Putian shoe industry management were also read out; The Municipal Footwear Association signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Putian Branch of Industrial Bank. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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