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Putian: Lin Xuyang held a grassroots reception activity in Hanjiang District

2023-11-23 08:50 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Properly solve the reasonable demands of the masses according to the law and regulations

Lin Xuyang carried out the activity of receiving people's visits at the lower grassroots level in Hanjiang District

On November 22, in combination with the theme education and the inheritance and promotion of the fine tradition of "four lower grassroots", Mayor Lin Xuyang held a lower grassroots reception activity in Hanjiang District. Zhang Hui, Deputy Director of the Provincial Bureau of Letters and Calls, gave on-site guidance. Vice Mayor Zhu Zhengyang and Lin Shaoxiong attended the ceremony together.

In Hanjiang District State Investment Chengbei Industrial Park, Lin Xuyang received five groups of visitors, listened carefully to the people's complaints about land lost farmers' security, commercial housing delivery, land requisition and resettlement, property management and other issues, understood the context of the matter in detail, patiently explained relevant policies, and worked with the city and district heads of relevant departments to develop a solution plan, requiring that it be resolved within a time limit.

During the activity, Lin Xuyang stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the people's petition work, carry out theme education, carry forward the fine tradition of "four lower grassroots", deepen the system of leaders' case contracting, open door interview and case led visit, go deep into the grassroots, go deep into the masses, and solve the legitimate and reasonable demands of the masses with emotion. It is necessary to focus on source control, push forward the pass and move down the focus, and strive to resolve conflicts at the grass-roots level and in the bud. We should guide the masses to express their demands in a reasonable and orderly manner, improve the standardization and professionalism of the petition work, and win the trust of the people with the actual results of the petition work.

It is reported that the masses will come to the site for registration through "Huiminbao" or the same day 3 days before the day of reception. During the activity, the municipal leaders were divided into three groups to receive visits, and 14 municipal departments were set up to receive visits at the same time to study and coordinate the reasonable demands of the masses. Meizhou Daily Reporter Wu Qina)

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