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The excerpt of Xi Jinping's exposition on comprehensively strengthening the Party's discipline building was published

May 27, 2024 06:17 | Source: People's Daily
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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 26 -- The excerpt of Xi Jinping's exposition on comprehensively strengthening the discipline building of the Party, edited by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was recently published by the Central Literature Publishing House and distributed nationwide.

Strengthening discipline construction is the fundamental policy for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has unswervingly and strictly governed the Party in an all-round way, incorporated discipline building into the overall layout of Party building, strengthened political and organizational discipline, driven all disciplines to be strict in an all-round way, adhered to the principle of being strict with the law, enforced discipline and law enforcement, and deepened the use of the "four forms" policy strategy, The Party's discipline and rules have been clearly established and tightened, fundamentally reversing the laxity of Party governance. A series of important statements issued by Comrade Xi Jinping around the comprehensive strengthening of the Party's discipline building have lofty ideas, rich connotations and profound thoughts. For the comprehensive strengthening of the Party's discipline building, the strict requirements are implemented throughout the process of the formulation of Party rules, Party discipline education, discipline enforcement and supervision, and Party members and cadres are guided to learn, know, understand and observe discipline, so as to truly transform discipline into political consciousness Consciousness of thought and action is of great significance to ensure that the whole Party has the same goal, unity and pace.

The Excerpt of the Discussion is divided into 10 topics, with a total of 329 paragraphs. It is extracted from more than 130 important documents such as reports, speeches, descriptions, articles, instructions, etc. of Comrade Xi Jinping from November 2012 to April 2024. Some of them are published for the first time.

People's Daily (May 27, 2024, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Zhao Xinyue, Yuan Bo)

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