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Li Qiang stressed that

Do a good job in "three summers" to ensure a good harvest of summer grain, promote agricultural innovation and development, and consolidate the foundation of modern industrial system

May 24, 2024 06:07 | Source: People's Daily
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Xinhua News Agency, Zhengzhou, May 23 (Reporter Zou Wei) Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, investigated in Henan from May 22 to 23. He stressed that we should thoroughly implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on promoting agricultural modernization, do a solid job in the "three summers" work to ensure a bumper harvest in summer, strengthen scientific and technological support and industry guidance, promote agricultural innovation and development, and lay a solid foundation for building a modern industrial system.

Li Qiang successively came to Zhengzhou City and Xinxiang City, went into farmland, breeding base, food enterprises, scientific research institutions, etc., and investigated relevant work. In the high standard farmland in the plain demonstration area of Xinxiang City, the golden wheat waves are undulating, and the wheat is about to enter the concentrated harvest period. Li Qiang went to the fields to observe the growth of wheat ears, listened to the report on "three summers" production and high standard farmland construction, and communicated with agricultural experts. Li Qiang pointed out that a bumper harvest of grain in summer and initiative throughout the year. We should carefully focus on the work of summer harvest, strengthen cross regional mechanical harvest organization and scheduling, ensure timely drying and drying, and coordinate the management of summer grain fields, disaster prevention and mitigation, and summer sowing preparations. We should do a good job in the collection and storage of summer grain, play the role of the lowest purchase price to support the bottom, and ensure that farmers can earn money from planting grain. More qualified farmland should be transformed into high standard farmland. He stressed that the national policy of supporting food production will only be strengthened, not weakened.

At the National Innovation Center for Biological Breeding Industry, Li Qiang went into the laboratory and breeding greenhouse to learn about the technical breakthrough and scientific research force allocation. In Sanquan Food Co., Ltd., Li Qiang inspected raw material testing, product development and automated production. He stressed that seeds are the foundation of agricultural modernization. We should promote the construction of innovation platforms in the seed industry, strengthen cutting-edge research on key varieties, accelerate the pace of industrialization, cultivate more improved varieties, and ensure national food security from the source. The development of modern agriculture depends more and more on science and technology and talents. We need to increase incentives and support for agricultural research personnel, encourage more young students to learn agriculture, and attract more outstanding talents to participate in agriculture. Li Qiang pointed out that the food industry is the oldest industry with huge development potential. Based on the advantages of agricultural resources and industrial manufacturing, we should give full play to the role of leading enterprises, drive the whole industrial chain to link up and integrate development, improve quality, build brands, and make the specialty food industry better and stronger. It is necessary to innovate the agricultural operation mode, cultivate and strengthen new agricultural operation entities, develop diversified forms of moderate scale operation, drive farmers to increase income and become rich, improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural development, and provide support for promoting the overall revitalization of the countryside.

Li Qiang came to Henan Academy of Sciences in Zhongyuan Science and Technology City to visit research centers such as advanced conductor materials, advanced laser manufacturing, cell and gene science, and have discussions with researchers. He pointed out that deepening the reform of the science and technology system and mobilizing the enthusiasm of all aspects are the key measures to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology. We should have the courage to explore innovative systems and mechanisms, connect production, education, research and use, build flexible and efficient research platforms, promote the emergence of innovative achievements, and better serve the country's major strategic needs.

Li Qiang fully affirmed the achievements of Henan's economic and social development, and hoped that Henan would thoroughly implement the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era and the important guiding spirit of Henan's work, adhere to reform and innovation, and solidly promote the work, so as to make greater contributions to writing a new chapter of the rise of the central region.

Wu Zhenglong accompanied the survey.

People's Daily (May 24, 2024, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Niu Yong)

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