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The political scene says that everyone is a fighter! Accelerate the construction of world-class marine ports

May 24, 2024 11:34 | Source: CCTV News Client
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On the afternoon of the 22nd, General Secretary Xi Jinping investigated in Rizhao, Shandong Province. He first came to Rizhao Port to understand the local situation of promoting the intelligent and green construction of the port and expanding the opening to the outside world. From a single coal export port to the world's youngest 500 million ton comprehensive port, Rizhao Port has become an important global energy and bulk raw material transit base. The world's first onshore open fully automated container terminal was put into operation in Rizhao Port.

In recent years, Rizhao Port has always adhered to the guidance of science and technology, gave full play to the leading role of innovation, accelerated the implementation of port process, unmanned and intelligent transformation, and comprehensively promoted the iterative upgrading of traditional ports to smart green ports.

The arrival of General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged the employees of Shandong Port Group. They said that they should strive hard and work hard to cultivate new quality productivity and accelerate the construction of world-class marine ports.

Carrying the mission of "building a world-class marine port"

Hong Kong Connect to the World

Pioneering and innovating, rejuvenating Hong Kong and serving the country

Supervised by Shen Yong

Planning | Shi Wei, Wang Pengfei

Reporter: Lu Xinyu, Ma Zhe, Pang Zhen, Li Bingchan

Camera | Cao Yaxing, Wang Peng, Song Shuai, Sun Chuan

Aerial photography | Fan Kai, Hansen, Zhang Peng, Cao Xiaofei

Overall planning: Ma Yayang, Yan Ling, Yan Shen

Produced by He Yu

Information | China Central Radio and Television Station Shandong Terminal Rizhao Station

(Editor in charge: Yang Guangyu, Hu Yongqiu)

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