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First observation · Moment | The tide of further deepening reform is rising

09:58, May 24, 2024 | Source: Xinhua News Agency
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In the afternoon of May 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Rizhao City, Shandong Province for an investigation. In Rizhao Port, Xinhua News Agency reporter's lens fixed the moment——

 Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

The sea is vast and the sky is blue. The general secretary stopped at the wharf, facing the sea and facing the wind, looking into the distance and thinking.

In the afternoon of the next day, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a symposium of enterprises and experts in Jinan, emphasizing the theme of promoting Chinese style modernization and further comprehensively deepening reform.

The visit of the General Secretary to Shandong attracted much attention.

At the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee held on April 30, it was decided to hold the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee in Beijing this July, focusing on further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese style modernization.

After a short time, the General Secretary went deep into the local area for investigation and research, and listened to entrepreneurs and experts' opinions and suggestions on further deepening the reform.

General Secretary Xi Jinping explained the profound meaning of the trip in this way: "The CPC Central Committee has made major decisions and formulated important documents, conducted in-depth research, and listened to opinions from all sides. This is the consistent practice and good tradition of our party."

Reform has reached a new historical juncture.

Looking back, we can feel the profound meaning of this scene.

In July 2013, the General Secretary went to Hubei for investigation, and the first stop came to Wuhan Xingang in the rain. During the investigation, the General Secretary presided over a symposium of some provincial and municipal leaders in Wuhan to solicit opinions and suggestions on comprehensively deepening reform.

More than three months later, the epoch-making Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform was deliberated and adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, opening a new era of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up a new situation for China's reform and opening up.

History opens a new chapter. The reform has gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, and still needs to cross mountains and rivers.

The current and future period is a critical period for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization. In the face of complicated international and domestic situations, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, and the new expectations of the people, we must continue to push forward the reform, and we must take the comprehensive deepening of reform as the fundamental driving force to promote Chinese style modernization.

As the General Secretary pointed out, "Facing the tide of reform, we should be the pioneers of reform and have a strong spirit of historical responsibility."

The tide of reform is overwhelming.

Planner: Wang Nian, Zhang Xiaosong

Supervised by: Ju Peng, Yang Shouyong

Lead Writers: Zhu Jichai, Huang Yue

Vision | Editor: Li Tao, Zhang Huihui

Jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency and Shandong Branch

Produced by the first studio of Xinhua News Agency

(Editor in charge: Yang Guangyu, Hu Yongqiu)

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