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Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on doing a good job in the key work of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization in 2023

(January 2, 2013)

February 14, 2023 06:17 | Source: People's Daily
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The 20th CPC National Congress has drawn a grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization. To build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, the most arduous and arduous task is still in the countryside. The great changes in the world that have not happened in a century have accelerated the evolution. China's development has entered a period when strategic opportunities and risks coexist, and uncertainties and unpredictable factors are increasing. It is vital to keep the basic situation of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and there can be no loss. The Central Committee of the Party believes that it is necessary to unswervingly address the "three rural" issues as the top priority of the work of the whole party, lift the strength of the whole party and society to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and accelerate agricultural and rural modernization. A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and only when agriculture is strong can the country be strong. It is necessary to build a strong agricultural country with strong supply guarantee, strong scientific and technological equipment, strong business system, strong industrial resilience and strong competitiveness based on the national conditions and agricultural conditions, reflecting Chinese characteristics.

To do a good job in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in 2023 and in the future, we should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, thoroughly implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, Adhere to the integrated development of urban and rural areas, strengthen scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, firmly adhere to the bottom line of ensuring food security and preventing large-scale poverty return, solidly promote rural development, rural construction, rural governance and other key work, accelerate the construction of a powerful agricultural country, build a livable, employable and beautiful village, and lay a solid foundation for a good start in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

1、 Pay close attention to ensuring stable production and supply of grain and important agricultural products

(1) We will make every effort to ensure food production. To ensure that the national grain output remains above 1.3 trillion kg, all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) should stabilize the area, focus on per unit area yield, and strive to increase production more. Consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way, strengthen the material foundation of storing food on the ground and technology, and improve the mechanism guarantee for farmers to earn money and profit by planting food, and local governments to fulfill their responsibilities. We will implement a new round of action to increase grain production capacity by 100 billion jin. Carry out the construction of ton grain fields. We will promote the development of multi cropping grain production in southern provinces, and encourage the development of ratooning rice where conditions permit. Support the development of wheat "one spray and three prevention". We will implement the project to increase corn yield per unit area. We will continue to raise the minimum purchase price of wheat, reasonably determine the minimum purchase price of rice, stabilize rice subsidies, and improve the coping mechanism for ensuring the supply and price of agricultural materials. We will improve the benefit compensation mechanism for major grain producing areas and increase the scale of incentive funds for major grain producing counties. Gradually expand the implementation scope of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for rice, wheat and corn. We will implement the high-quality grain project. We will encourage the development of order production of grain to achieve high quality and good prices. Strictly prevent "green cutting and grain destruction". Strictly assess the responsibility system of provincial Party committees and governments for farmland protection and food security. We will promote the promulgation of the Law on Food Security.

(2) Intensify and expand soybean oil seeds. Deeply promote the project of improving soybean and oilseed production capacity. We will steadily promote the belt type compound planting of soybean and corn, support the development of grain soybean rotation in Northeast China and the Huang Huai Hai region, and steadily develop and utilize saline alkali land to grow soybeans. We will improve subsidies for corn and soybean producers, and carry out trials of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for soybeans. We will coordinate comprehensive support measures for rape, promote rice oil rotation, and vigorously develop and utilize winter fallow fields to plant rape. We will support the development of woody oilseeds, implement the three-year action to accelerate the development of camellia oleifera industry, and implement the task of expanding camellia oleifera seeds and transforming low yield and low efficiency forests. Deeply implement the action of reducing and replacing feed soybean meal.

(3) Develop modern facility agriculture. Implement the modernization of facility agriculture. Accelerate the development of centralized rice seedling centers and intensive vegetable seedling centers. We will accelerate the construction of grain drying, cold storage in agricultural production areas, and cold chain logistics facilities. Concentrate on upgrading old vegetable facilities. We will promote the transformation and upgrading of large-scale livestock and poultry farms and aquaculture ponds. Under the premise of protecting the ecology and not increasing the total water consumption, explore the scientific use of gobi, desert and other facilities to develop agriculture. Local governments are encouraged to give credit discount interest to the construction of facility agriculture.

(4) Build a diversified food supply system. Establish the concept of big food, accelerate the construction of a diversified food supply system that integrates food, economy and feed, combines agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and develops plants, animals and microorganisms simultaneously, and formulate implementation plans in different fields. Build a high-quality water-saving, high-yield and stable yield forage production base, and accelerate the development of alfalfa and other grass industries. Vigorously develop silage and speed up straw livestock raising. Develop understory planting and breeding. We will deepen the transformation and upgrading of grassland animal husbandry, make rational use of grassland resources, and promote regional rotational grazing. Scientific delimitation of restricted breeding areas and development of ecological fishery in large water areas. Build modern marine ranches and develop deep-water cages, breeding boats and other deep-water and offshore aquaculture. Cultivate and expand the industry of edible fungi and algae. We will strengthen supervision over food safety and the quality and safety of agricultural products, and improve the traceability management system.

(5) We will coordinate the regulation of grain and important agricultural products. We will strengthen capacity building for food emergency support. We will strengthen supervision over reserves and purchases and sales. The province should take the overall responsibility for ensuring the stable production and supply of pigs, and strengthen the regulation of pig production capacity focusing on breeding sows. The mayor responsibility system of "vegetable basket" shall be strictly assessed. We will improve the target price policy for cotton. We will continue to implement the subsidy policy for the promotion of improved varieties and methods of sugar cane. We will improve support policies for natural rubber. We will strengthen regulation of production, storage and transportation of agricultural materials such as chemical fertilizers. Give play to the role of international trade of agricultural products and thoroughly implement the strategy of diversified import of agricultural products. Deeply carry out grain saving action, promote the whole chain of saving and loss reduction, and improve the normalization and long-term working mechanism. Promote healthy diet.

2、 Strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure

(6) Strengthen farmland protection and use control. Strictly manage the balance of land requisition and compensation, and implement the mechanism of "city/county review, provincial review, and social supervision" to jointly carry out the acceptance and evaluation of supplementary land, so as to ensure that the quantity, quality, and productivity of supplementary land are equal. Strictly control the conversion of cultivated land to other agricultural land. Explore and establish a management and control mechanism for cultivated land planting purposes, clarify the priority of utilization, strengthen dynamic monitoring, and carry out pilot projects in an orderly manner. Increase the utilization of abandoned farmland. We will do a good job in the third national soil survey.

(7) Strengthen the construction of high standard farmland. We will complete the annual task of building and upgrading high standard farmland, focus on making up for shortcomings in soil improvement, farmland irrigation and drainage facilities, make overall plans to promote efficient water-saving irrigation, and improve long-term management and protection mechanisms. We will formulate an implementation plan for gradually turning all permanent basic farmland into high standard farmland. We will strengthen the protection of black land and comprehensive treatment of sloping farmland. We will severely crack down on soil destruction such as illegal excavation of black soil and electric earthworm catching. We will strengthen technical breakthroughs in improving the productivity of arid and semi-arid farmland and red and yellow soil farmland, continue to promote the transformation from mainly harnessing saline alkali land adaptive crops to more breeding and breeding saline alkali tolerant plants to adapt to saline alkali land, and do a good job in the pilot project of comprehensive development and utilization of saline alkali land and other cultivated land reserve resources.

(8) Strengthen the construction of water conservancy infrastructure. We will steadily promote the construction of major water conservancy projects and accelerate the construction of a national water network backbone. Accelerate the construction and modernization of large and medium-sized irrigation areas. A number of small and medium-sized reservoirs, water diversion and diversion, and drought resistant standby water sources will be constructed. Strengthen the construction of farmland and water conservancy facilities such as the connection between the field head canal system and the backbone projects in the irrigation area. Support key regions to carry out comprehensive treatment of groundwater overexploitation, and promote deep water conservation and control of agriculture in the Yellow River basin. Develop high-efficiency water-saving dryland agriculture in arid and semi-arid areas. We will strengthen the construction and management of flood storage and detention areas, harness small and medium-sized rivers, and prevent and control mountain torrents, and accelerate the implementation of hazard removal and reinforcement for small and medium-sized reservoirs and safety monitoring for small reservoirs. We will deepen comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices.

(9) We will strengthen agricultural capacity for disaster prevention and reduction. We will study and carry out a new round of general survey of agricultural climate resources and agricultural climate zoning. Optimize and improve the layout of agrometeorological observation facilities, and release agrometeorological disaster information by region and disaster type. We will strengthen the construction of a drought and flood prevention system and ensure disaster prevention and relief in agricultural production. We will improve the monitoring and early warning network for animal and plant diseases and insect pests at the grass-roots level. We will focus on the normal prevention and control of major animal epidemics, such as African swine fever, and the prevention and control of key sources of zoonotic diseases. Improve the comprehensive prevention and control of forest and grassland fires in key areas.

3、 Strengthen agricultural science and technology and equipment support

(10) We will promote tackling key agricultural core technologies. Adhere to the industrial demand orientation, build an agricultural science and technology innovation system with clear echelon, division of labor and cooperation, and moderate competition, and accelerate the breakthrough of cutting-edge technology. We will support the construction of national laboratories in agriculture, national key laboratories, manufacturing innovation centers and other platforms, and strengthen the construction of basic long-term observation and experiment stations (sites) in agriculture. We will improve the stable support mechanism for basic research in agricultural science and technology.

(11) Deeply implement the seed industry revitalization action. The national survey of agricultural germplasm resources was completed. Establish an open, collaborative and shared application mechanism for precise identification and evaluation of germplasm resources. We will comprehensively implement major biological breeding projects, solidly promote the national breeding joint research and livestock and poultry genetic improvement plan, and accelerate the cultivation of new varieties such as high-yield and high-oil soybeans, short growth period rape, and salt tolerant crops. Accelerate the industrialization of corn and soybean biological breeding, orderly expand the scope of pilot projects, and standardize planting management.

(12) Accelerate the R&D and promotion of advanced agricultural machinery. Accelerate the research and development of large-scale intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment, small machinery and gardening machinery suitable for hilly and mountainous areas. Support the integrated application of Beidou intelligent monitoring terminal and auxiliary driving system. Improve the subsidy policy for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, explore the subsidy method linked to the workload, and the local government should fulfill the legal expenditure responsibility.

(13) Promote green development of agriculture. Accelerate the popularization and application of the technology of reducing agricultural inputs and increasing efficiency, promote the integration of water and fertilizer, and establish and improve the collection, utilization and treatment system of agricultural waste such as straw, agricultural film, pesticide packaging waste, livestock and poultry manure. Promote the construction of agricultural green development pilot areas and observation and test bases. We will improve the system of fallow and crop rotation. We will strengthen the prevention and control of sources of heavy metal pollution such as cadmium in agricultural soil. We will strengthen the safe use and risk control of contaminated farmland. Establish a monitoring system for agricultural ecological environment protection. Regulations on ecological protection compensation were introduced. Strictly implement the system of closed fishing periods, implement the 10-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River, and consolidate the results of resettlement and security for returning fishermen. We will continue to carry out the recovery of the mother river and scientifically implement the comprehensive renovation of rural rivers and lakes. Strengthen the construction and reconstruction of warping dams on the Loess Plateau. We will intensify efforts to protect and restore grasslands. Consolidate the achievements of returning farmland to forests and grasslands, and implement relevant subsidy policies. We will crack down on the illegal introduction of alien species, implement the key actions to prevent and control major invasive species, and strengthen the standardized management of "alien pet" trade and release.

4、 Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation

(14) Firmly hold the bottom line of not returning to poverty on a large scale. Compacting the responsibility of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation at all levels to ensure that there is no slackening or deviation. Strengthen the dynamic monitoring of poverty prevention. For the monitoring households with labor ability and willingness, the development type assistance measures shall be implemented. We will improve the social assistance system based on different levels and classifications, and ensure that everything is covered. Consolidate and improve the achievements of "three guarantees" and drinking water safety guarantee.

(15) We will strengthen the endogenous development momentum of poverty free areas and people. The basic requirement is to increase the income of the people who have been lifted out of poverty, and the main direction is to accelerate the development of the counties that have been lifted out of poverty. More attention is paid to supporting the aspirations and talents, focusing on industrial employment, and constantly narrowing the income gap and development gap. The central finance will link up and promote the proportion of rural revitalization subsidy funds used for industrial development to more than 60%, and focus on supporting to make up for technology, facilities, marketing and other shortcomings. Encourage qualified farmers in poverty alleviation areas to develop courtyard economy. We will deepen various forms of consumer assistance, continue to promote the creation of consumer assistance demonstration cities and production area demonstration areas, and support poverty alleviation areas to build regional public brands. The operational assistance projects supported by financial funds and assistance funds should improve the benefit linkage mechanism and drive farmers to increase their income. Manage and make good use of poverty alleviation project assets. We will deepen labor cooperation between the East and the West, implement key actions to prevent poverty alleviation and employment, and ensure that the employment scale of poverty alleviation labor force is stable at more than 30 million people. We will continue to operate the employment assistance workshops and other industrial assistance projects. Give full play to the role of employment security of rural public welfare posts. Deeply carry out the "rain and dew plan+" employment promotion action. We will implement a number of key projects to address weaknesses and promote rural revitalization in key counties of the country's rural revitalization assistance program, deepen the implementation of "group" assistance for medical and educational cadres and talents, and better play the role of village based cadres and science and technology envoys in industrial assistance. We will deepen the special action to consolidate the achievements of relocation and poverty alleviation, and the special action to help relocated people find jobs.

(16) Stabilize and improve the assistance policy. We will implement policies to effectively link the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements with rural revitalization. To carry out monitoring and evaluation on the development effect of key counties supported by the national rural revitalization. We will continue to provide credit to poverty alleviation areas and do a solid job in microfinance for poverty alleviation. Increase financial support for assistance projects according to the principle of marketization. We will deepen cooperation between the east and the west, organize more economically developed counties (cities, districts) in the eastern region and poverty alleviation counties to jointly promote revitalization, and drive poverty alleviation counties to undertake and develop more labor-intensive industries. We will continue to provide targeted assistance to central units and adjust and improve twinning relationships. Deeply promote the "ten thousand enterprises prosper ten thousand villages" action. We will study the normalized assistance mechanism for low-income rural population and underdeveloped areas after the transition period.

5、 Promote high-quality development of rural industries

(17) We will expand and strengthen the agricultural product processing and circulation industry. We will implement actions to improve the processing industry of agricultural products, support family farms, farmers' cooperatives, small and medium-sized micro enterprises and other enterprises to develop the primary processing of agricultural products in the origin, and guide large agricultural enterprises to develop intensive processing of agricultural products. Guide the agricultural product processing enterprises to sink to the origin and concentrate in the park, and build agricultural product processing industrial parks in the main production areas of grain and important agricultural products. We will improve the backbone distribution network of agricultural products, transform and upgrade the origin, distribution centers, and wholesale markets, and build a number of suburban warehouse bases. Support the construction of cold chain distribution center in the production area. We will coordinate epidemic prevention and control and market supply of agricultural products to ensure smooth logistics of agricultural products.

(18) Accelerate the development of modern rural service industry. Comprehensively promote the construction of county business system. Accelerate the improvement of county and rural e-commerce and express logistics distribution system, build a county collection and distribution center, promote the integrated development of rural passenger, cargo and mail, vigorously develop new models such as joint distribution and instant retail, and promote the cold chain logistics service network to sink into the countryside. Develop rural catering and shopping, culture and sports, tourism and leisure, elderly care and childcare, information intermediary and other life services. Encourage qualified regions to launch new energy vehicles and green smart home appliances to the countryside.

(19) Cultivate new rural industries and formats. We will continue to support the creation of strong agricultural towns, modern agricultural industrial parks, and advantageous characteristic industrial clusters. Support the construction of the National Demonstration Park for Integrated Development of Rural Industries. We will deepen the construction of agricultural modernization demonstration areas. We will implement the cultural industry empowerment and rural revitalization plan. We will implement high-quality projects for rural leisure tourism, and promote the upgrading of rural homestays. We will deepen the implementation of the "digital commerce to promote agriculture" and "Internet+" agricultural products out of the village and into the city projects, encourage the development of e-commerce direct procurement of agricultural products, customized production and other models, and build a live broadcast e-commerce base for agricultural and sideline products. Improve the standardization and normalization level of industries such as clean dishes and central kitchens. Cultivate and develop the prefabricated vegetable industry.

(20) Cultivate and strengthen the industry of enriching people in the county. We will improve the spatial layout of county and rural industries, enhance the industrial carrying and supporting service functions of the county seat, and enhance the agglomeration function of key towns. Implement the "one county, one industry" project to strengthen the county and enrich the people. We will guide the gradient transfer of labor-intensive industries to the central and western regions and counties, and support large and medium-sized cities to arrange related industries and supporting enterprises in surrounding counties. Support national high-tech zones, economic development zones and agricultural high-tech zones to jointly host county industrial parks.

6、 Broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income and become rich

(21) Promote the employment and income of farmers. We will strengthen the implementation of various post stabilization and relief policies, increase efforts to stabilize the posts of small and medium-sized micro enterprises, and stabilize the employment of migrant workers. Promote the professional skills of migrant workers. We will improve the monitoring and early warning mechanism for migrant workers' wage payment. We will safeguard the employment rights and interests of over aged migrant workers. We will accelerate the improvement of the system for safeguarding the rights and interests of flexible employees. We will strengthen the construction of homecoming entrepreneurship parks and rural entrepreneurship incubation training bases. We will promote work for relief in key government invested projects and agricultural and rural infrastructure construction projects, and appropriately increase the proportion of labor remuneration.

(22) Promote agricultural operation and increase efficiency. We will deepen the promotion of new agricultural business entities, support family farms to set up farmers' cooperatives and cooperatives to set up enterprises according to development needs, and drive small farmers to cooperate in business and jointly increase their income. Implement the promotion action of agricultural socialized services, vigorously develop socialized services such as alternative farming and planting, agent management and collection, and whole process trusteeship, encourage the construction of regional comprehensive service platforms, and promote cost saving and efficiency increasing, quality and efficiency improving, and marketing efficiency increasing in agriculture. We will guide the orderly transfer of land management rights and develop agricultural operations on an appropriate scale. Summarize the local experience of "combining small fields with large fields", and explore how to gradually solve the problem of fragmentation in combination with farmland construction and land consolidation on the premise of farmers' willingness. We will improve the guidelines for social capital investment in agriculture and rural areas, and strengthen the supervision of the whole process of capital introduction, use, and withdrawal from the countryside. We will improve the qualification review, project review and risk prevention system for social capital to obtain land management rights through circulation, and effectively protect the interests of farmers. We will continue to deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives by adhering to the principle of separating agricultural services from government affairs, and separating social organizations from enterprises.

(23) Give farmers more adequate property rights and interests. We will deepen the reform of the rural land system, do a solid job in determining rights, steadily advance empowerment, and orderly realize living rights, so that farmers can share more of the dividends of reform. To study and formulate the guidance for the pilot work to be extended for another 30 years after the expiration of the second round of land contracting. We will steadily and prudently push forward the pilot reform of the rural homestead system, find out the bottom line, speed up the identification, registration and certification of integrated real estate and homestead, strengthen standardized management, properly resolve the problems left over by history, and explore the effective way to realize the "separation of three rights" of homestead. We will deepen the pilot project of putting rural collective profit-making construction land on the market, and explore the establishment of an effective adjustment mechanism for land appreciation gains that takes into account the interests of the state, rural collective economic organizations and farmers. We will safeguard the legitimate land rights and interests of farmers who have settled in cities, and encourage voluntary and paid transfers in accordance with the law. Consolidate and improve the achievements of the reform of the rural collective property rights system, build an operating mechanism with clear property rights relations, scientific governance structure, stable operation mode, and reasonable income distribution, and explore diversified ways to develop the new rural collective economy, such as resource contracting, property leasing, intermediary services, and asset equity participation. We will improve the regulatory system for rural collective assets. We will safeguard women's legitimate rights and interests in rural collective economic organizations. We will continue to deepen the reform of the collective forest tenure system. We will deepen the pilot demonstration of comprehensive rural reform.

7、 To solidly promote the construction of livable, employable and beautiful villages

(24) Strengthen village planning and construction. Adhere to the overall planning at the county level, support the preparation of village plans by zoning and classification for villages with conditions and needs, and reasonably determine the layout and construction boundaries of villages. The village planning will be included in the village level consultation directory. We will standardize and optimize the setting of administrative divisions in rural areas. It is strictly forbidden to merge villages or build large communities against the wishes of farmers. We will promote comprehensive land consolidation throughout the region, with towns as the unit. Actively revitalize the stock of collective construction land, give priority to ensuring the demand for farmers' housing, rural infrastructure, public service space and industrial land, and issue policy guidelines for rural revitalization. Prepare guidelines for improving village appearance, improve village appearance based on local characteristics, regional characteristics and national characteristics, and prevent large-scale demolition and construction, blind construction of archways, pavilions and corridors "piling bonsai". Implement the demonstration of centralized protection and utilization of traditional villages, establish and improve the system of investigation and identification of traditional villages, pre review of merger and withdrawal, disaster prevention, etc. Formulate guidelines for the construction of basic modern living conditions in rural areas.

(25) We will steadily promote the improvement of rural human settlements. Strengthen the renovation of village public space, and continue to carry out village cleaning action. Consolidate the rectification results of rural toilet problems and guide farmers to carry out indoor toilet improvement. Strengthen the construction and maintenance of rural public toilets. Focus on villages and towns with concentrated population and villages around the water source protection zone, and promote rural domestic sewage treatment by classification and echelon. We will promote the reduction of rural domestic waste by source classification and timely removal and disposal. Promote the local resource utilization of toilet waste, perishable garbage and organic waste. We will continue to carry out patriotic health campaigns.

(26) Continue to strengthen rural infrastructure construction. Strengthen the maintenance and safety management of rural roads, and promote the integrated construction of supporting facilities, industrial parks, tourist attractions, and key rural tourism villages along the line. Promote the construction of large-scale water supply projects in rural areas and the standardized transformation of small water supply projects, and carry out special actions to improve water quality. Promote the consolidation and upgrading of rural power grids and develop rural renewable energy. We will support the renovation of dilapidated and earthquake resistant rural buildings, basically complete the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in rural housing safety, and establish a whole process supervision system. Carry out demonstration of modern livable rural housing construction. Deeply implement the digital rural development action, and promote the R&D and promotion of digital application scenarios. Accelerate the application of agricultural and rural big data and promote the development of smart agriculture. Implement the responsibility for the management and protection of village public infrastructure. We will strengthen the basic capacity building of rural emergency management, and deepen the governance of risks and hidden dangers in key areas such as rural transportation, fire protection, and self built commercial housing.

(27) We will improve our ability to provide basic public services. We will promote the sinking of basic public service resources and focus on strengthening weak links. We will promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education in counties, and improve the level of running schools in rural areas. Implement the living allowance policy for rural teachers. We will promote the overall planning of medical and health resources at the county level, and strengthen the capacity building of medical and health care and medical security services at the rural level. We will comprehensively solve the problem of salary distribution and treatment guarantee for rural doctors, and promote the professionalization and standardization of rural doctors. We will improve the ability to prevent, control and respond to emergencies of infectious diseases in rural areas. We will do a good job in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic in rural areas, compact responsibilities layer by layer, strengthen medical security for key groups such as the rural elderly, young, sick, disabled and pregnant people, and maintain the health of rural residents and normal production and living order to the greatest extent. Optimize the minimum living allowance review and confirmation process to ensure that eligible people with financial difficulties "should do their best". We will deepen rural social work services. Accelerate the construction of township and regional elderly care service centers, and promote day care, mutual care, visit care, elderly canteen and other elderly care services. We will implement the plan to improve the quality of rural women, strengthen the protection of rural minors, improve the social security system and care service system for rural disabled people, and care for people with mental disabilities.

8、 Improve the rural governance system led by the Party organization

(28) We will strengthen the political and organizational functions of rural grass-roots party organizations. Highlight the distinct direction of focusing on the grass-roots level, strengthen the responsibility of county party committees to promote the township and village, and further promote the party building and rural revitalization. Comprehensive training to improve the ability of township and village leaders to revitalize the countryside. The first secretary and working team stationed in the village should be made good use of, and the dispatched units should strengthen the assistance to the village. We will improve corruption and work style in the field of rural revitalization. Continue to carry out city and county inspections, promote the effective connection between the grass-roots discipline inspection and supervision organizations and the village affairs supervision committee, and strengthen the all-round management and regular supervision of village cadres. Centralized training will be carried out for rural Party members by stages and batches. We will give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of rural Party members by setting posts and defining responsibilities.

(29) Improve the efficiency of rural governance. Adhere to the Party building leading rural governance, strengthen the functions of the three-level governance system of counties and villages, compact county responsibilities, promote township empowerment, and consolidate the foundation of villages. We will fully implement the system of county level leading group members going from village to village, township leading group members going from village to village, and village cadres frequently visiting villages. We will improve the villagers' autonomy mechanism under the leadership of the Party organization and fully implement the system of "four discussions and two disclosures". We will strengthen rule of law education and legal services in rural areas, and deepen the creation of "democratic and rule of law demonstration villages (communities)". Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, and improve the mechanism for diversified prevention, mediation and resolution of social conflicts and disputes. We will improve the grassroots governance platform supported by grid management, refined services and informatization. We will promote the normalization of rural crime eradication. We launched a special campaign to crack down on illegal and criminal gambling in rural areas. We will crack down on violations of the rights of rural women and children in accordance with the law. We will improve and promote the credit system, the list system, digitization, and handling complaints as soon as they are received. We will deepen the pilot program for building a rural governance system, and organize the creation of national model villages and towns for rural governance.

(30) Strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas. We will carry out in-depth publicity and education on core socialist values, and continue to carry out publicity and education activities in rural areas to listen to the Party's words, feel the Party's kindness, and follow the Party. We will deepen the creation of mass cultural and ethical progress in rural areas, expand the construction of a new era civilization practice center, county-level financial media center, and support rural self run mass cultural activities. Pay attention to the construction of family style. Deeply implement the project of inheriting and protecting agricultural culture, and strengthen the protection and utilization of important agricultural cultural heritage. We will do a good job of holding the harvest festival for Chinese farmers. We will promote all localities to formulate norms to change customs in line with local conditions, strengthen the binding role of village rules and regulations, and Party members and cadres will take the lead in setting an example. We will solidly carry out special treatment of prominent problems in key areas such as high price betrothal gifts and large-scale operations. We will promote the reform of funeral customs in rural areas.

9、 Strengthen policy guarantee and institutional mechanism innovation

(31) We will improve the diversified input mechanism for rural revitalization. Adhere to the principle of taking agriculture and rural areas as the priority guarantee area of the general public budget, and compact the input responsibility of local governments. We will steadily increase the proportion of land transfer proceeds used for agriculture and rural areas. Include eligible rural revitalization projects into the scope of local government bond support. We will support the establishment of a rural revitalization fund in a market-oriented manner. We will improve the linkage mechanism between government investment and financial and social investment, encourage qualified projects to be bundled up and implemented by market entities according to regulations, and leverage financial and social capital to invest more in agriculture and rural areas according to the principle of marketization. We will make good use of policies such as refinancing and rediscount, differentiated reserve requirements, differentiated financial supervision and assessment, and promote financial institutions to increase lending in areas related to rural revitalization, focusing on ensuring the demand for credit funds for food security. We will guide credit guarantee business to tilt to the agricultural and rural areas, and give play to the role of the national agricultural credit guarantee system. Strengthen agricultural credit information sharing. Give play to the role of multi-level capital market in supporting agriculture, and optimize "insurance+futures". Accelerate the reform of rural credit cooperatives into insurance, and promote the structural restructuring of rural banks. Encourage the development of fishery insurance.

(32) Strengthen the construction of rural talent team. Implement the talent support plan for rural revitalization, organize and guide talents in education, health, science and technology, culture, social work, spiritual civilization construction and other fields to serve at the grass-roots level, and support the training of urgently needed local talents. We will implement the plan to cultivate high-quality farmers, carry out the cultivation of rural entrepreneurship leaders, and improve the effectiveness of training. Vigorously develop vocational education for rural revitalization, deepen the integration of industry and education and school enterprise cooperation. We will improve the incentive mechanism for urban professional and technical personnel to regularly serve the countryside, and give appropriate preference to those who have served the countryside for a long time in terms of job promotion and professional title evaluation. Guide urban professional and technical personnel to work part-time in the countryside and start businesses after leaving their posts. Those who meet certain conditions and return to the countryside for employment and entrepreneurship are allowed to settle down in their places of origin or places of employment and entrepreneurship. We will continue to implement the free training program for rural order oriented medical students, the "excellent teacher plan", the "special post plan", the "national training plan" for teachers, and the special plan of "college students rural doctors". We will implement the Women's Action for Rural Revitalization and the Youth Talent Development Action.

(33) We will promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas at the county level. We will improve the institutional mechanisms and policy systems for integrated urban and rural development, and smooth the flow of urban and rural factors. We will coordinate urban and rural planning and construction at the county level, promote the urbanization of the county seat to address its strengths and weaknesses, and strengthen the construction of municipal and service facilities in central towns. We will further promote the citizenization of rural migrant workers at the county level, and establish and improve a mechanism whereby basic public services are linked to the permanent population and provided by the permanent residents. Do a good job in providing financial services for migrant workers. Gradually allocate county and rural public resources, develop urban and rural school communities, compact medical and health communities, and elderly care service consortia, promote the overall urban and rural construction and management of universal service facilities such as power supply, gas supply, telecommunications, and postal services at the county level, and promote the extension of municipal management networks, rural micro management networks, etc. to households in areas where conditions permit. We will steadily carry out the demonstration of rural revitalization.

The key to doing well in rural areas and realizing rural revitalization lies in the Party. Party committees and governments at all levels should conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, learn and thoroughly understand the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", put the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in a prominent position and pay close attention to it, and constantly improve the work level of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". To strengthen the construction of the work style, Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, should firmly establish the views of the masses, implement the mass line, go to the grass-roots level more often and be grounded, and vigorously promote the style of investigation and research. Give play to the main role of farmers, and mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of farmers to participate in rural revitalization. Strengthen the concept of system, comprehensively solve the dilemma and multiple difficulties in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and grasp the time and efficiency of work. We will deepen the correction of various formalism, bureaucracy and other problems in rural revitalization, effectively reduce the burden of grassroots assessment and submission, filling in forms and reporting, and excessive marking, and promote grassroots to focus on development, governance, and practical work for the farmers. Comprehensively implement the responsibility system for rural revitalization, adhere to the five levels of secretaries, carry out overall performance appraisal of the rural revitalization strategy, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link the appraisal and evaluation with rural revitalization, and take the promotion of party building and rural revitalization as an important part of the appraisal and evaluation of the municipal, county and township party committee secretaries' work on grass-roots party building. We will strengthen statistical monitoring of rural revitalization. We formulated a plan to speed up the construction of a powerful agricultural country, made a good overall plan and systematic arrangement, linked up with the existing plans, and made solid and steady progress in stages.

Let us closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, strengthen confidence, work hard, and work hard to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, accelerate the construction of a powerful agricultural country, and make new contributions to comprehensively building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 13)

People's Daily (February 14, 2023, Version 1)
(Editor in charge: Hu Yongqiu, Bai Yu)

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