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Feeling Xi Jinping's People's Feelings from 20 Stories

08:44, April 11, 2022 | Source: Xinhua News Agency
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From the small village to the Party Central Committee, from the secretary of the Party branch of the rural brigade to the general secretary of the Party, Xi Jinping has always been mindful of his family and country and devoted to the people.

Deeply rooted in the people and always believed in the people; Love the people immensely and be determined to benefit the people; Rely on the people closely, unite and lead the people... Xi Jinping's people's feelings are deep, thick and hot.

On April 10, Xinhua News Agency broadcast the news "Xi Jinping's Feelings of the People", which recorded a moving story between General Secretary Xi Jinping and the people. From these stories, we can feel the strong feelings of the people of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

[This is an action only for old farmers]

In 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the voluntary tree planting activities in the capital, and in 1989, Xi Jinping, who was then the Secretary of Ningde Prefecture Party Committee, led the cadres of the local government departments to participate in voluntary labor.

October 21, 2021, Dongying, Shandong, the Yellow River estuary.

General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was investigating here, walked into a demonstration field, bent down to pick a pod, twirled a bunch of beans, examined the color carefully, put a soybean into his mouth and chewed it carefully: "The beans grow very well."

This scene made Luo Shouyu, the head of agricultural technology on the side, both surprised and kind: "This is the only action of old farmers."

The bottom color of labor casts the true color of serving the people: in 2012, Fuping stepped on the snow and crossed its legs on the kang; In 2018, Wenchuan inspected and grinded beans; In 2019, the capital will plant trees and shovel earth

The casual natural expression reflects the people's feelings that have not changed over the years.

[Serving the People, Xi Jinping couldn't put it down]

This feeling has accumulated red genes.

On June 25, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping led comrades from the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to the Red Mansion of Peking University.

In the exhibition hall, General Secretary Xi Jinping watched carefully before the original New Youth magazine containing Li Dazhao's famous article "The Victory of the Common People".

From "the independent movement of the overwhelming majority for the interests of the overwhelming majority" to "the victory of the common people", the revolutionary pioneers profoundly pointed out the historical necessity that our cause "will always exist".

In retrospect, a lamp at the end of the Liangjiahe cave was like a bean: "Serve the People" was just a few hundred words, and Xi Jinping could not put it down; Yugong Yishan and Memorial of Bethune are always learning new things, and their beliefs shine.

[Xi Jinping shed tears when he pushed the door open]

On February 13, 2015, Xi Jinping returned to Liangjiahe to visit his parents and villagers. Photographed by Lan Hongguang, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

On February 13, 2015, the "son of loess land" went home.

The old friend of the year held the hand of General Secretary Xi Jinping and was still so cordial. The General Secretary can also call out their nicknames one by one, "At that time, I made a destiny with Liangjiahe Village, and it is destined to meet you today."

On the morning when he left Liangjiahe 40 years ago, the yard was crowded with seeing off villagers, and they waited for him to get up quietly. The moment he opened the door, Xi Jinping shed tears.

Every detail in Liangjiahe touched the heart of young Xi Jinping.

When they went down to eat, the corn balls of the educated youth were yellow, and the villagers said, "This is real food." Seeing that the bran balls of the villagers were much worse, Xi Jinping took the initiative to change.

The chaff dumpling has few calories. Xi Jinping was so hungry that he opened his fellow villagers' rice bags and put the corn dumpling on them: "Why don't you eat corn dumpling?"

"The men and children in the kiln suffer more. We should give them something to eat."

Knowing the sufferings of the common people, he shouldered heavy burdens.

["They helped me selflessly and protected me"]

In Liangjiahe in those days, a large brigade was to accept more than 30 educated youth with big meals. The villagers were so poor that they were willing to take care of the dolls from the city.

Xi Jinping said, "When I am hungry, the villagers cook for me; when my clothes are dirty, the villagers wash them; when my pants are torn, the villagers sew them for me

Knowing the good of the common people, I care about them from the bottom of my heart.

[Recalling his father's words, Xi Jinping is full of affection]

On September 14, 2021, Xi Jinping inspected the former site of the CPC Suide Prefecture Committee. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren

In September 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was investigating in Yulin, Shaanxi Province, came to the former site of the CPC Suide Prefecture Committee.

In the exhibition hall, a line of words is particularly striking: "Sit on the side of the common people with your buttocks end to end".

"End to end, this is the Guanzhong dialect, which is stable and upright." Recalling his father Xi Zhongxun's hometown dialect, General Secretary Xi Jinping is full of affection.

[Secretary Xi led the people who went to the market to investigate]

In 1983, Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the CPC Zhengding County Committee in Hebei Province (the front row is in the middle), temporarily set a table on the street to listen to the people's opinions. Shen Jizhong

In the 1980s, Xi Jinping began to take a local leadership position as the secretary of Zhengding County Party Committee. The young cadre's style is refreshing.

"Secretary Xi never sits idle in the office."

The cadres of the county party committee office recalled that Xi Jinping often led the staff of the county party committee to carry out investigations, "especially when they were at the county fair, they set up tables on the street and dragged the people to the fair to do investigations". The door of the county party committee is always open, and the old farmers with manure baskets come straight in to talk with Xi Jinping.

[Xi Jinping recites and understands these ancient words]

This feeling is rooted in traditional culture.

In March 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into Zhuxi Garden by the Jiuqu River of Wuyi Mountain.

"The country is based on the people, and the country is also based on the people"... On the wall of the park, General Secretary Xi Jinping stopped to stare at the classic exposition of Zhu Xi's people-oriented thought for a long time.

In June 2018, he presided over the collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted this old saying.

Adhering to cultural self-consciousness and self-confidence, General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply considered activating traditional culture and realizing the ideal of serving the people for thousands of years——

In northern Shaanxi, he was deeply distressed by the people, and he pondered Fan Zhongyan's famous sentence "worry about the world first, and then enjoy the world";

In Zhengding, riding a bike to the countryside, he realized Zheng Banqiao's aspiration that "some of our county officials in Caozhou, one branch and one leaf, are always close to each other";

When visiting the poor in Ningde, he recalled the actions taken by Shouning County magistrate Feng Menglong to serve the people and recited the aphorism in the "Three Words";

In Beijing, he repeatedly quoted the maxim in the Book of History that "the people are the foundation of the country, and the country is solid and peaceful";


The new reason is related to the reason and the truth is related to each other. This feeling of the people is rooted in the history of China, so it is profound and lofty.

[The image of a Communist Party member is deeply engraved in Xi Jinping's heart]

In March 2014, Xi Jinping visited Comrade Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall. Shen Jizhong

In February 1966, the Xinhua News Agency broadcast a long newsletter, Jiao Yulu, an example of the county party secretary. In the political class, the teacher read this article and choked up as he read it. Xi Jinping and his classmates also burst into tears.

"Later, whether I went to the countryside, went to university, joined the army, or did leadership work, the image of Comrade Jiao Yulu has always been in my mind," said the General Secretary.

He is a good cadre with all the people in his heart, but without his own, and "has always been my example".

Write "Niannujiao · Remembering Jiao Yulu", indicating the long cherished wish of "serving as an official and benefiting the party"; He went to Lankao to investigate and guide the Party's mass line education and practice activities, and proposed "what kind of spiritual wealth should we leave to future generations"; Have a discussion with the trainees of the seminar for county party committee secretaries, and call on them to be the county party committee secretaries like Jiao Yulu

The deep affection for Jiao Yulu turned into Xi Jinping's enthusiasm for the people.

[This taste makes the General Secretary frown]

In the 23rd lunar new year of December 2013, Yuangudui Village in Dingxi, Gansu Province, is particularly cold.

General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the dilapidated and low adobe house of the villager Ma Gang's house, scooped up a ladle of water from the water tank at the bottom of the wall, and tasted it. The taste of bitter and salty water made him frown.

"The Party and the government will care about and help everyone. Let's work together to make the day more prosperous," the general secretary said to the villagers.

Drink water and taste people's joys and sorrows; Touch the kang quilt and feel the warmth of the villagers; Lift the lid of the pot to know that people are hungry

["I'm afraid that this good thing will not be done well and will not be paid to the people"]

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping traveled across 14 contiguous poverty-stricken areas and investigated poverty alleviation work for more than 50 times. From "seeing real poverty" to "getting rid of poverty", he firmly shouldered the historical responsibility.

General Secretary Xi Jinping often said: "If the villagers do not shake off poverty, I will not be able to relax all day" "I am afraid that this good thing will not be done well, and finally I will not be able to pay the people, and I will not be able to pay the history".

Deep in Taihang, we walked into the low mud houses in Luotuowan Village along the icy road, and encouraged villagers to "turn loess into gold as long as we have confidence";

In the hinterland of Wuling, I found a home in the three dark wooden houses in Shiba. Holding the old man's hand, I said kindly, "I am the people's servant";

In the Dabie Mountains, we changed three means of transportation to Dawan Village, Jinzhai, and read the poverty alleviation manual of Wang Nengbao, a poverty-stricken household, page by page, emphasizing that "we should not forget the people in the old area";


The deepest affection for the masses has turned into the heaviest commitment, the hardest measures and the largest investment, and has launched a magnificent anti poverty struggle in China.

[On the New Year's Eve, General Secretary Xi Jinping couldn't sleep at night]

At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic is threatening. On the New Year's Eve, General Secretary Xi Jinping could not sleep at night.

Hearing that the medical staff died in the line of duty, they felt "very heavy" and were relieved that the patient's condition had improved. They told the comrades in charge of the steering group to "call me directly if you have any situation or need"... In the most critical days of epidemic prevention and control, the general secretary always cared about the safety of the masses.

From babies born just over 30 hours to people over 100 years old, every life has been fully protected, and human life, human value and human dignity have been carefully protected.

"In order to protect people's lives, we can spare no effort!" The General Secretary's words were weighty.

[General Secretary Xi Jinping praised the "express brother"]

On February 1, 2019, Xi Jinping visited the still working "Express Brother" in Shitou Alley, Qianmen, Beijing. Photographed by Wang Ye, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

At the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, a five-star red flag was passed in the hands of more than 100 ordinary Chinese. "Express Brother" Liu Kuo is one of them.

On the eve of the Spring Festival three years ago, Liu Kuo and his colleagues met General Secretary Xi Jinping who came to visit them at the express station of Shitou Hutong, Qianmen, Beijing.

It is said that everyone can go home only after the New Year's Eve. The General Secretary said that the "express boy" works very hard. He works from morning to night, rain or shine. The busier the holidays are, like a diligent bee, the most hardworking worker, bringing convenience to everyone's life.

[The General Secretary has front-line workers at the grass-roots level in his heart]

In his words and deeds, the General Secretary has the front-line workers at the grass-roots level in his heart and values everyone's contribution.

At the construction site, we talked cordially with migrant workers, emphasizing "more care and care for migrant workers"; At the taxi passenger transport company, ask the "taxi brother" and "sister" for solutions to the difficulty of taking a taxi on New Year's Day; At the cleaning station, the sanitation workers were praised as "beauticians" of the city

For the sake of the people's happiness, we will go forward with all our might and spare no effort to achieve it.

[A photo of the General Secretary touched countless Chinese people]

The conference to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up was held in Beijing. Xi Jinping and other officials applauded and congratulated the honorees. Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On December 18, 2018, at the conference to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, General Secretary Xi Jinping, sitting in the front row of the rostrum, stood up and turned around, taking the lead in applauding and congratulating the representatives of outstanding contributions to reform and opening up who were sitting in the back area of the rostrum.

The reporter's camera fixed the moment that has been popular. This is a tribute to heroes and models, but also to the people.

[Take 20 minutes to learn about local development from a village party secretary]

At the review site of the 2016 National People's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping took 20 minutes to learn about local development from a village party secretary.

"The fattening period of cattle and sheep is several months", "How many people are there in the village party committee", "What crops to plant", "How to develop aquaculture"... The general secretary asked questions, and Bi Shengzhong, the secretary of the party committee of Dashijia Village, Guide County, Qinghai, crumpled answers.

In a sparrow like field survey, General Secretary Xi Jinping touched every corner of grass-roots governance. The reason why we asked so carefully is that we know that "in front of the people, we will always be primary school students, and we must consciously worship the people as teachers".

[Ten year two sessions, listening to about 400 representative members]

From 2013 to 2022, during the ten-year National Two Sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in 53 group deliberations and discussions, listened to about 400 delegates, and discussed national justice and wisdom with everyone.

"Where does the right path come from? From the masses." The thoughts and expectations of the people are in the mind of the General Secretary and integrated into the top-level design of national development.

[In order to draft the "14th Five Year Plan" proposal, 7 symposiums were held]

September 17, 2020, nine hotels in Changsha, Hunan.

General Secretary Xi Jinping specially invited grassroots representatives to listen to their opinions and suggestions on the preparation of the 14th Five Year Plan.

Among them are rural teachers, migrant workers, freight drivers and grain growers. Everyone talks to each other, saying something urgent, difficult and anxious, talking about difficult points and pain points, and proposing solutions.

"There is a wealth of wisdom and infinite creativity among the people. What everyone said is very vivid and realistic." General Secretary Xi Jinping asked relevant parties to study and absorb it carefully.

Pan Jiuren took part in the forum of "soaking in the soil with dew and emitting heat", and he proposed to the General Secretary the proposal of "strengthening the construction of rural teachers". Now, new teachers have come to the Central Primary School of Tashan Yao Township in Hunan Province, where he lives, and the teaching staff has been strengthened.

In order to draft proposals for the "14th Five Year Plan", General Secretary Xi Jinping held seven symposiums in succession from July to September of that year to listen to voices from all sides; For the first time, the "network policy" was carried out on the preparation of the five-year plan, and more than 1 million messages were left online.

The people's leaders are open-minded and sincere, inspiring the people's sense of ownership and pooling the wisdom of hundreds of millions of people.

[The General Secretary praised the young volunteers]

During the Spring Festival two years ago, Xie Xiaoyu, who came home from a holiday, caught up with the epidemic and volunteered to become the youngest volunteer in the East Lake New Town community in Wuhan to buy vegetables, medicines and express delivery for nearly 200 residents.

On March 10, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping met Xie Xiaoyu and representatives of grass-roots police, doctors of health service stations, sinking cadres, etc. in Wuhan. After listening to Xie Xiaoyu's report, the General Secretary felt deeply: "In the past, some people said that they were Jiaodidi's generation, but now they have become the main force in the front line of the epidemic resistance".

[In the mind of the General Secretary, the people are above everything, and life is more important than Mount Tai]

On the way to Africa, he asked for "thorough investigation and serious accountability" for the case of Jilin Changchun Changsheng Biological Vaccine; On the way to Europe, I learned that there was an explosion accident in Xiangshui, Jiangsu Province, and emphasized "full rescue and rescue, search and rescue trapped people"; During the investigation in Tibet, always pay attention to the catastrophic rainstorm disaster in Henan

When people's lives are in danger, they always feel the same way and make important instructions and requests at the first time.

"In the face of protecting people's lives, we must pay all costs, and we can do it at all costs.". In the mind of the General Secretary, the people are above everything and life is more important than Mount Tai.

[The affairs of the people are the major issues in the mind of the General Secretary]

It is a major event in the mind of the General Secretary, ranging from life safety to daily necessities.

"Toilet revolution", garbage classification, cleaning and heating, protecting students' eyesight, improving the service quality of nursing homes, strengthening food safety supervision... "small troubles" that trouble the people are placed on the desk of the General Secretary, recorded in the mind of the General Secretary, and also included in the agenda of important conferences of the Central Committee, becoming the focus and force of reform time after time, Little by little, it is changing the people's lives.

"Zhongnanhai should always have direct access to the people, and we should always keep the people in mind," said General Secretary Xi Jinping.

——For more details, please click to read the full text: Xi Jinping's People's Feelings

Chief planner: Fu Hua

Planner: Zhang Sutang

Supervised by: Zhao Cheng, Huo Xiaoguang

Reporter: Zhang Xiaosong, Zhu Jichai, Wang Sibei, Huang Yue, Zhang Yan, Dong Boting

Coordinator: Wang Huan, Lei Min

Editors: Yang Wenrong, Zhang Huihui, Tang Xing

(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Chang Xuemei)

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