People's Network
People's Network

Dunhuang, Gansu: Desert Water Scenery, Ten Thousand Birds Soaring [9]

10:04, October 21, 2019 | Source: People's Daily Online - Picture Channel
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 Dunhuang, Gansu: Desert Water Scenery, Ten Thousand Birds Soaring [9]

In the middle of October 2019, the Wowachi Wetland in Yangguan National Nature Reserve in Dunhuang, Gansu Province welcomed thousands of migratory birds to stop, look for food and play, which again broke the monitoring record of the reserve.

In recent years, with the improvement of Dunhuang's ecological environment, the number of migratory birds in the Reserve has increased significantly. The beautiful scene of swans dancing, egrets playing, eagles circling and wild ducks flying has appeared in the Wowachi Wetland in the Reserve. This autumn, the number of transit migratory birds monitored by the migratory bird monitoring station in the Reserve reached tens of thousands, and the number of species increased from more than 80 in the first scientific research to more than 130. (Wang Binyin/people's picture)

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(Editor in charge: Gong Yixi (intern), Cao Kun)

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