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Pushing forward "Taiwan independence" and committing perverse acts will be severely punished

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06:10, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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In their speech on May 20, leaders of the Taiwan region vigorously publicized the so-called "sovereign independence", "non subordination between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits", "self-determination of Taiwan residents" and other separatist fallacies, and tried to enlist the support of external forces to encourage them, in an attempt to promote the "internationalization of the Taiwan issue", and continue to "rely on foreign countries to seek independence" and "seek independence by force". Such an out and out "confession of Taiwan independence" is full of hostility and provocation, lies and deceit. The attitude is extremely rampant, and the advocates are more radical. Such acts of perversion will be severely punished, accelerating the destruction of the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces.

The compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits share the same blood, culture and history. They belong to the Chinese nation and have always been a family with more blood than water. The long history of the Chinese nation of more than 5000 years records that the ancestors of previous dynasties moved to Taiwan and multiplied, and that compatriots on both sides of the Straits jointly resisted foreign aggression and recovered Taiwan. Along the way, the Chinese nation has written an inseparable history on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, engraved with the historical facts that compatriots on both sides are connected by blood. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, both in legal theory and in fact. The leaders of Taiwan, out of the pursuit of "independence" nature and political self-interest, sell the "two countries theory" and engage in "Taiwan independence rectification". They do not even recognize their own blood lines of the Chinese nation. Their betrayal of the nation and ancestors is disgusting. History has long proved that those who forget their ancestors, betray the motherland and split the country will never end well. They will be nailed to the stigma column of history, rejected by the people, and will not escape the trial of history.

Unification is the trend of the times, the cause of justice and the aspiration of the people. The Chinese nation has always shared the common belief that the territory cannot be divided, the country cannot be chaotic, the nation cannot be scattered, and civilization cannot be broken. A strong and unified country is the destiny of all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots. Taiwan is China's Taiwan. Any issue involving China's sovereignty and territorial integrity must be decided jointly by the entire Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots. No one and no force should expect to separate Taiwan from China. At the very beginning of taking office, leaders of the Taiwan region could not wait to reveal the true face of "Taiwan independence", openly inciting "anti China and anti China" sentiments. What they said and did completely deviated from the mainstream public opinion of the island that peace is not necessary, development is not necessary, communication is not necessary, and cooperation is not necessary, and confrontation is not necessary. This has exacerbated the tension and turbulence in the Taiwan Strait and pushed Taiwan to a more dangerous situation, It seriously challenges the common belief of the Chinese nation and the common will of the Chinese people.

The trend of reunification is unstoppable, and "Taiwan independence" is doomed to die. No one wants to reunify the motherland through peaceful means more than we do. We are willing to create broad space for peaceful reunification, but we will never leave any room for various forms of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities. No one and no force should underestimate the strong determination, determination and ability of the Chinese government and people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We will never tolerate, tolerate or relent to any form of "Taiwan independence" secessionist acts. The more aggressive the "independence" provocations become, the more resolute and effective our countermeasures will be. More help is gained, less help is lost. Many dignitaries and people from all walks of life have been making intensive statements in recent days, reiterating their commitment to the one China principle and firmly supporting China's just cause of opposing the "Taiwan independence" split and striving for national reunification. This fully shows that every time the "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces make trouble, the international community will consolidate the one China consensus.

The one China principle cannot be violated, the secessionist act of "Taiwan independence" cannot be feasible, and the overall trend of China's reunification cannot be reversed. The Democratic Progressive Party authorities and its leaders want to split Taiwan from the motherland, which is tantamount to talking nonsense and shaking the tree. In the end, they will only end up in disgrace!

People's Daily (May 24, 2024, 4th Edition)

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(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Qu Yuan)

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