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Based on reality, avoid "simple exit" (observed by commentators)

——Develop new quality productivity according to local conditions ②

Peng Fei
May 21, 2024 06:29 | Source: People's Daily
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Only by making good choices and doing something and doing nothing can we accelerate the formation of new quality productivity

We should not only pursue one area, but also the overall situation. We should pay attention to the development frontier, and also keep the livelihood industry. Only through comprehensive research and judgment, and scientific trade-offs, can we better promote high-quality development with new quality productivity

An enterprise hopes to build a 100000 ton polysilicon project in Ningxia Ningdong Energy and Chemical Base, which has a large output value and is exciting. However, the project will consume almost half of Ningdong's electricity, which will occupy other project resources. As a whole, it may not be cost-effective, and the management committee resolutely declined. You have to give up to get something. Such local choices leave enough space for long-term development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "the development of new quality productivity is not to ignore or abandon traditional industries". Only by making good choices and doing something and doing nothing can we accelerate the formation of new quality productivity.

To judge whether to choose or not, we should base ourselves on reality, find out the "family background", and not step on the "hard brake".

New quality productive forces are generated by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries. Traditional industries are also the cornerstone of fostering emerging industries and future industries. The five-star red flag carried by the Chang'e-5 lander can withstand the harsh environment on the moon surface and ensure that it will not fade, cross color or deform. The basic material for making this national flag, high-performance aramid fiber, was born out of the coal chemical industry. This product helps enterprises realize the transformation and upgrading from "selling coal by ton" to "selling industrial products by gram".

The traditional industry is not a low-end industry. There is only sunset technology and no sunset industry. Detaching from reality and blindly "seeking new things" will lead to homogenized competition, or even "building a house on the wall of others". Revitalize the "family background", make determined efforts in the fields that need to be strengthened, and resolutely abandon the industries that need to be abandoned, so as to make better use of the situation, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, so as to make the new quality productivity more energetic and dynamic.

To balance the choice, we should also "look at the industry out of the industry" and "look at the local out of the local", and be good at calculating big accounts.

Traditional industries such as household appliances, food and textile are important industries to stabilize employment and foreign trade, and cannot be easily abandoned. Henan Cohesion develops high-end manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing, but the advantage and trump card of grain production cannot be lost at any time. Inner Mongolia, which "has scenery above its head and coal under its feet", has made great efforts to develop clean energy, instead of simply "de coal", it has made efforts to promote green transformation as a whole. Fujian Putian Xianyou not only marches into the field of new energy and new materials, but also devotes itself to making traditional industries related to people's livelihood and employment, such as classical craft furniture and small craft processing better and stronger.

We should not only pursue one area, but also the overall situation. We should pay attention to the development frontier, and also keep the livelihood industry. Only by comprehensive research and judgment, and scientific trade-offs, can we better promote high-quality development with new quality productivity.

Taking and rejecting are not mechanical, and those "taking" should also be "lifting".

Traditional industries are not equal to backward industries and overcapacity. "We should not simply exit as a" low-end industry ". We should find ways to promote its transformation and upgrading. With the help of digital technology, relying on a complete industrial chain, Guangdong garment enterprises have established a flexible supply chain system of "small orders and quick reaction"; After the upgrading and transformation of "carbon capture", Jiangsu Shenghong Petrochemical Industry Group has achieved the connection of green negative carbon industry chain, and the carbon reduction effect is equivalent to planting 37000 hectares of forest every year. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "the potential of transforming traditional industries with new technologies is also huge".

There is wisdom, pattern and responsibility between choices. From the development orientation of one region to the overall exploration of Chinese style modernization, China is making choices every step forward. To deal with economic transformation, is it realistic or false? Is it a new way to solve ecological pressure or an old way of "pollution before treatment"? Again and again, we have made the right choice to promote China's economy to be fearless of wind and rain, and stable and far sighted.

With a view to the future, we should stick to the reality in everything, continue to grasp the methodology of choice, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and high-quality development will have a stronger engine.

People's Daily (May 21, 2024, 5th Edition)

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(Editor in charge: Niu Yong, Qu Yuan)

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