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People's online review: pass down the precious wealth left by ancestors from generation to generation

May 20, 2024 15:07 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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The Great Wall is winding and the civilization continues. Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to the villagers in Shixia Village, Badaling Town, Yanqing District, Beijing, pointing out that "the Great Wall is a representative symbol of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of Chinese civilization, which embodies the Chinese nation's spirit of continuous self-improvement and the unyielding love of the country.", It emphasizes that "it is our common responsibility to protect and inherit this historical and cultural heritage".

The Great Wall is the largest and most widely distributed cultural heritage in China. There are rich kinds of excellent traditional Chinese cultural resources, revolutionary cultural resources and advanced socialist cultural resources with high historical and cultural values along the Great Wall. From formulating special regulations to protecting the Great Wall, to implementing the Great Wall protector management system; From the implementation of the Great Wall protection and repair project to the establishment of a coordinated mechanism for the overall protection of intangible cultural heritage along the Great Wall; From holding the Great Wall Cultural Festival, concerts and other activities to promoting the construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park... The value exploration, protection and inheritance of the Great Wall culture continue to advance. More and more people "protect the Great Wall as well as their homes" and continue to write wonderful stories about the Great Wall.

Five thousand years, 90 thousand miles. Historical and cultural heritage, bearing the genes and blood of the Chinese nation, is a valuable resource that cannot be regenerated and replaced. "The towering Tiger Hill Tower, the thousand year old Suzhou City", the Pingjiang historical and cultural street in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, weaves the "double-sided embroidery" of economic prosperity and cultural prosperity; "Leave a street and protect a city", Fuzhou, Fujian, has three lanes and seven alleys engraved on the history and context of the city; "A single spark can start a prairie fire". The revolutionary site group of Bajiaolou in Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province has left a soul stirring red memory... The civilization is like a tide, and the vast string song is surging for thousands of years; Culture is like water, which moistens things silently, and trickles into rivers. The concept, wisdom, grace and charm contained in historical and cultural heritage highlight Chinese culture, stir up Chinese spirit and inherit the root of civilization.

"Pass down the precious wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation". At the foot of the Great Wall, 18 "Shiguang Great Wall" homestays and 10 villager owned homestays are distributed on both sides of the north and south main streets of Shixia Village. Handicrafts, cafes and bookstores are interspersed here, where the Great Wall culture is transformed into development advantages; As the millennium porcelain capital, Jingdezhen's old porcelain factory has become a creative street, new landmarks of culture and art have emerged one after another, and the integration of mud and fire has a new expression. Historical and cultural heritage not only belongs to our generation, but also to future generations. Facing the future, we should deal with the relationship between tradition and modernity, inheritance and development, deeply tap the profound wisdom of Chinese civilization and the characteristics of the times of modern civilization, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of historical and cultural heritage, and earnestly achieve development in protection and protection in development, so that Chinese modernization is full of distinctive Chinese atmosphere.

In the preface hall of the CPC History Exhibition Hall, a huge lacquer painting named Ode to the Great Wall is magnificent and magnificent. The Chinese civilization has been going on for thousands of years and has suffered many hardships for a long time. This is the miracle of human civilization and our confidence. To forge ahead on a new journey, strengthen the reverence for historical and cultural heritage, adhere to the principle of protection first, strengthen management, tap values, make effective use, and disseminate more value symbols and cultural products that bear the Chinese culture and spirit, will certainly enable Chinese civilization to shine new brilliance, and contribute to building a socialist cultural power and promoting Chinese modernization.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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