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First stand and then break, no structural fault (observed by commentators)

——Develop new quality productivity according to local conditions ①

Li Haoran
06:18, May 20, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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   General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively put forward the concept of new quality productivity and made major deployment, pointed out that "we should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, and develop new quality productivity in line with local conditions", and emphasized that "developing new quality productivity is not to ignore or abandon traditional industries, but to prevent a herd, bubble, and do not engage in a model. All localities should adhere to the principle of starting from reality, setting up first and then breaking down, adjusting measures to local conditions, and giving classified guidance, and selectively promote the development of new industries, new models, and new drivers according to local resource endowments, industrial bases, and scientific research conditions. ". To develop the new quality productivity, we should carefully understand the spirit of the important speech of the General Secretary, master scientific methods, and be good at grasping the essence of things, the law of development, the key to work, and the policy yardstick. This edition will launch a series of comments from now on to further strengthen confidence, strengthen initiative, actively cultivate and develop new quality productivity, and build a solid material and technological foundation for Chinese style modernization.



"Swallow" a thread, "spit" a garment, "smart textile" to become the world's largest sweater distribution center. Stone is transformed into thin silk, equipment is constantly upgraded, and core technology supports the world's largest glass fiber production base. The launch of Hezhong new energy vehicles has driven the rise of the industrial chain, and the total output value of the smart car industry has exceeded 25 billion yuan.

In Tongxiang City, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, the original "three silk and one spinning" of mulberry silk, chemical fiber, glass fiber, textile and clothing, together with the current "three intelligence and one network" of intelligent cars, intelligent computing, intelligent sensors and industrial Internet, have gone hand in hand, and have created a "roadmap" to cultivate new quality productivity.

To develop new quality productive forces, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "building before breaking", which is a scientific summary of practical experience and an important methodology to solve a series of problems in reform, development and stability.

"Standing" is the first to open the road, which is fundamental and leading. "Breaking before standing" or "breaking without standing" must be avoided.

Change the cage for a bird. You cannot empty the cage. If we simply discard the traditional industries, it will inevitably lead to a fault in the economic structure. "First stand, then break" should pay attention to the time and scale effect. It is not advisable to "break" too quickly before the new momentum has been formed and the new model has not been established.

Coal power is stable but not clean enough, and new energy is clean but not stable enough. Shanxi focuses on promoting the integrated development of coal power and new energy, effectively improving the stability and greening of the power grid, and promoting the complementary interaction and coordinated development of the two energy tracks. Practice has shown that the development of new quality productivity "can't throw away the guy who eats first, but the new guy who eats has not yet got his hand". We should make decisions and follow the law of industrial development.

Only by breaking the old shackles can we make room for the development of new drivers.

In Hefei Economic Development Zone, Anhui Province, the 724 mu of land withdrawn by Hitachi Park has attracted leading enterprises such as Harbin Institute of Technology Robot Group and Longxun Semiconductor to settle down; The 327 mu of inefficient land in Hefei Jigang Rili has been revitalized by Haier Group to build smart factories and a demonstration base for industry city integration; Since 2019, the average tax revenue per mu of industries above the designated size has increased by about 31% annually. Only by decisively eliminating outdated production capacity and outdated technology can we create good conditions for the development of new quality productivity.

It is difficult to set up what should be set up in the end. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "What should be established should be actively established, and what should be broken should be firmly broken on the basis of establishment", so as to continuously promote the breeding and growth of new driving forces.

Standing and breaking, the unity of opposites, are the driving force to promote the development of things. Only by paying attention to the systematicness and synergy of establishment and destruction can we write this great article of innovation.

How to solve the "two skins" of science and technology and economy? In Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute, the revenue of "contract scientific research" determines the amount of financial fund support, and "team holding" enables the R&D team to have the ownership, disposal and conversion revenue rights of achievements... Rationalize the transformation mechanism of scientific and technological achievements, make "laboratory" and "production line" more closely connected, and promote "sample" to become "product", Jiangsu Industry Research Institute has successfully transformed more than 7000 achievements, more than 1200 derivative and incubated enterprises, and more than 20000 service enterprises.

How to do a good job in science and technology finance and avoid "losing the real to the false"? Scientific and technological innovation is inseparable from financial support. To strengthen financial support for new technologies, new tracks and new markets, and foster new driving forces and new advantages, it is necessary to accelerate the formation of a financial service support system focusing on equity investment and linked with "equity loan debt insurance". At the same time, all scientific and technological financial activities should be regulated according to law, and the corresponding mechanisms should be improved to prevent bubbles and disorder.

In the face of the times, every "standing" is an improvement of the previous "breaking"; Each "break" creates space for new "establishment". Make every effort to break through the blocking points that hamper the development of new quality productivity, and "form a new mechanism that is conducive to the production of innovative results and the industrialization of innovative results", which will certainly promote the economy to achieve a new leap.

People's Daily (May 20, 2024, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Niu Yong, Qu Yuan)

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