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The people come to the conclusion that "organizing minors to accompany with compensation" should be severely punished!

Gou Yawen
May 14, 2024 15:09 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the People's Court of Zaoyang City, Xiangyang City, Hubei Province announced three typical cases of organizing minors to accompany with compensation, and nine defendants were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment. In these three typical cases, the operators of entertainment places recruited minors for paid service, of which the youngest child was only 13 years old, and not only women, which shocked and angered people!

At the age of 13, it was supposed to be the age of reading and studying in the classroom and running freely on the playground, but it was very painful to experience these experiences. These children have to go through the so-called "training", as well as a special attendance management and salary payment system. Operators will also draw a percentage from their income to obtain illegal benefits. All kinds of shocking details have truly exposed the shameless and evil of the organizer.

The operators of these entertainment places pushed minors into the abyss without limit. Their behavior not only broke the bottom line of morality, but also trampled on the red line of law, constituting the crime of organizing minors to conduct activities against public security management. According to the provisions of Article 262 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, anyone who commits this crime may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined.

Those who break the law will be punished. Today, the criminals in these three cases have been sentenced. Although the results are gratifying, the injuries suffered by minors in these cases have always been distressing. This also reminds us once again that the protection of minors is the common responsibility of the whole society, and every link must firmly defend this line of defense.

Minors are inexperienced and lack of social experience, so they are easily misled by some illegal entertainment operators and misled into going astray by reasons such as "high salary" and "easy work". In contrast, in these three cases, in addition to criminals, parents of these minors and consumers of entertainment places may also be responsible.

First of all, parents, as guardians of children, must be vigilant about their children's access to entertainment places, and earnestly shoulder their responsibilities. While actively communicating with children, they should also correct their mistakes in a timely manner, establish a correct three outlook for children, and protect their physical and mental safety. Secondly, consumers should also consciously abide by laws and regulations when consuming in entertainment places, refuse to accompany activities, and should immediately report to the public security organ when encountering the phenomenon of paid accompany of minors, so as to do their part to protect minors. Finally, law enforcement departments must strengthen the supervision of entertainment venues, implement daily inspections, and resolutely eliminate any acts that infringe the rights and interests of minors. Only with the joint efforts of the whole society can we establish a "fence" to protect minors from infringement.

(Editor in charge: Shu Ya, Qu Yuan)

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