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People's online review: China's positive energy reflects the pulse of the times and spiritual atmosphere

Finger Cloud
10:27, May 12, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Describe the times and sing dreams. A few days ago, the results of the 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and broadcasting activity were announced, and 550 works stood out. These fine works once again use positive energy on the network to surge large traffic, and "circle fans" hundreds of millions of Internet users.

The positive energy of the network can both excite people's hearts and urge people to advance. The continuous emergence of high-quality online works will certainly generate more upward force, encourage and encourage more people to resonate in thought, emotion and action. In recent years, the holding of China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and broadcasting activities has had a wide and profound impact. From family and country events to glimmers of light, thousands of excellent works record the warmth stories of ordinary people, the magnificent deeds of strivers, and the sonorous pace of the development of the times. They show the beauty of the times and China, and realize the "two-way rush" of positive energy and large flow.

Looking at the 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique, "County" is on its way - walking through 100 counties to revitalize "tells about the hot practice of new farmers in rural construction, presenting a new look of China's county governance in the new era; The Great Power Project in Xinjiang shows the ingenuity of Chinese creation and the essence of Chinese intelligence; "Innovating China" records the journey of becoming a powerful country through science and technology, and shows the style of self-reliance and self-improvement... These outstanding works reflect the vivid practice of promoting Chinese style modernization with important events and fresh stories, and write a vivid footnote for the great new era. At the same time, it is not difficult to see that behind the thriving China represented by excellent works is the spirit background of the Chinese people's unremitting struggle, unity and progress.

The perseverance and hard work of ordinary people can always bring us the most touching. "Loyal to defend the country and defend the border, new frontier guards patrol in the snow for the first time", "The whole network praises! Hangzhou's little brother jumped on the Qiantang River, too brave", "Youth" of the Frontier Husband and Wife Police Office "," Running for Life "... Meet 2023 China's positive energy network boutique, we can see the tearful feelings of home and country, but also feel the warm moment of ordinary people's dedication. Little stars converge into a bright sky. These ordinary feats convey hope to us and drive us forward bravely. It is these ordinary people who build a better tomorrow of the great era. When more and more people praise and pay attention to them, they will promote more people to spread positive energy and carry forward positive energy.

The clean and positive cyberspace cannot be separated from positive energy works, and social development cannot be separated from the promotion of positive energy. Focusing on the spirit behind the positive energy, telling Chinese stories in a richer and more creative form, so that the positive energy can continue to fill the cyberspace, it will surely gather great power and inspire people to work hard to write a new chapter of Chinese modernization.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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