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People's Online Review: Gather the voice of the times and highlight the Chinese spirit

Meng Zhe
08:36, May 7, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the results of the 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and broadcasting activity hosted by the Central Cyberspace Office were announced, and 550 positive energy works stood out. This activity not only demonstrated the prosperity and development of China's network culture, but also conveyed the positive values and the power of advocating morality and good in the whole society.

The theme of this activity is "to unite the strength of a strong country and jointly build a great cause of rejuvenation", which is of far-reaching significance. It closely follows the pulse of the times and embodies the grand blueprint of national development and the great dream of national rejuvenation. From words to pictures, from audio and video to thematic activities, it has successfully gathered the hearts of the people and stimulated their patriotic feelings and sense of responsibility. Through a series of positive and healthy Chinese stories, we can jointly draw a magnificent picture of China in the new era.

Positive energy is everywhere. It runs through every corner of the society and becomes the driving force and hope to promote the continuous progress of the country. In these positive energy network boutiques, we have seen the great stories of countless ordinary people. "A letter from home salutes you, me and him who stick to their posts", "I am a police university teacher...", "Being a teacher is the most important decision of my life", "I wish to be your feet"... countless unknown people, without earth shaking feats or dazzling light, interpret their responsibilities and responsibilities with practical actions, They portray ordinary and great examples of the times, give us courage and strength, encourage more people to run forward and write extraordinary answers in ordinary posts.

Positive energy is the bright light of the beauty of the times, illuminating our way forward and making us more determined to move towards the future. "Why China" uses innovative images to express, so that we can see the cultural code of the Chinese nation to continue its glory; Modern Chinese "Painting", with the creative expression of "new works of ancient paintings", carries out nationwide day reading reports and series of painting creation, and integrates the vivid practice of Chinese modernization; "[Echo learning] Experience Chinese Modernization in the Streets and Alleys" outlines a beautiful picture of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and also depicts a different scene of Chinese modernization... Each work is full of creativity and appeal, and with full emotion and vivid details, it depicts a magnificent picture of the Chinese people's struggle to create a better life, It is not only a treasure of cyberspace, but also a reflection of the spirit of the times.

At present, positive energy has become a symbol full of symbolic meanings, closely linked with our emotions, expressing our desires and expectations, and is an indispensable part of life. The 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and exhibition activity is like a breeze, which brings a fresh breath to the online world and leads the social atmosphere to develop in a more healthy and positive direction.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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