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People's online review: will inject new momentum into world peace and development

Xiang Xuesheng
10:15, May 5, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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A solid step will lead to the future of shared destiny of mankind and stir up the spring breeze of peace and development. At the invitation of President Makron of the French Republic, President Vucic of the Republic of Serbia, President Shuyuk of Hungary and Prime Minister Orban, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to the three countries mentioned above from May 5 to 10. This is President Xi Jinping's first visit this year, and also President Xi Jinping's second visit to Europe after five years. It will certainly be of great significance for promoting the overall development of China's relations with France, Serbia, Hungary, and China Europe, and inject new momentum into world peace and development.

This will be a journey to consolidate traditional friendship. France is the first Western power to establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level with New China, Serbia is China's first comprehensive strategic partner in Central and Eastern Europe, and Hungary is an important partner of China in promoting the "Belt and Road" and China CEE cooperation. It is not difficult to find that President Xi Jinping's first visit this year to three European countries is full of profound meaning. I still remember that President Xi Jinping and French President Malone took a walk in the garden of Lingnan Garden in Guangzhou; I still remember the warm scene of President Xi Jinping's visit to the Smederevo Steel Plant in Serbia; I still remember that Hungarian Prime Minister Orban attended the "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum for three consecutive times. This visit will further lead the development of China France, China Serbia and China Hungary relations at a high level.

This will be a journey to promote practical cooperation. Development is the eternal theme of human society. It is China's consistent initiative and action to build consensus on promoting development and create an environment conducive to development. China is France's largest trading partner in Asia, and France is China's third largest trading partner in the EU and the third largest source of actual investment. The bilateral trade volume between China and Serbia has increased 8 times in the past 10 years, and China has maintained Serbia's second largest trade partner status for many consecutive years. Hungary is one of the most important trade partners of China in Central and Eastern Europe, and has been the largest investment destination of China in Central and Eastern Europe for many consecutive years. Taking the China Europe Express as an example, every train full of prosperity and development goes back and forth to Eurasia. By the end of March this year, more than 87000 China EU trains had been operated, reaching 222 cities in 25 European countries. "Development together is real development." This visit will further write a new chapter of cooperation featuring mutual benefit and win-win results, mutual understanding and mutual learning.

This will be a journey to promote peaceful development. Today's world has come to a critical crossroads again. The world is not peaceful, and global development faces many challenges. China and the EU are two major forces to promote multi polarization, two major markets to support globalization, and two major civilizations to advocate diversity. China EU relations are related to world peace, stability and prosperity. To address global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity, food security, public health, and digital governance, China and the EU have the responsibility and ability to carry the mission entrusted by the times and build consensus and strength for promoting world peace and prosperity. This visit will further inject new impetus into the development of China EU relations and inject more stability and positive energy into the turbulent world.

"If we all agree, we can achieve everything." Along with this trip to consolidate traditional friendship, promote practical cooperation, and promote peaceful development, the beautiful Seine River and the Blue Danube River will flow with the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The still water will flow deep and thin, casting a more stable, brighter, and better future.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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