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People's online review: a dazzling chapter of common progress with the new era

——"Generation Z, run forward" series review ③

May 4, 2024 08:57 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Youth is a state and a force. In the scenic spot, the horse face skirt and Han clothes are dancing, and the cultural confidence is self-evident; On the stage, Peking Opera and Shaoxing Opera were applauded, and cultural inheritance was natural; In life, the national tide and national style are full of surprises, and cultural consumption has gained people's hearts... When the May 4th Movement came, the figure of youth became more and more prominent in the long river of culture, and the color of youth became more dazzling in the spectrum of the times.

The vitality of a country and society cannot be separated from vigorous youth. Some people are down-to-earth, some people are "in the forefront" in the rescue and disaster relief, some people are fighting bravely in the Olympic Games, some people are guarding the border of the motherland... All walks of life are bursting with the energetic and promising spirit of young people. Not long ago, the launch of the Shenzhou 18 manned spacecraft was a complete success. The crew of three astronauts were all born after the 1980s. The youngest was born in 1989. In the future, the post-90s and post-00s astronauts are worth looking forward to. Under the nourishment of the times, a group of young people with distinctive marks, "like early spring, like the morning sun, like the sprouting of flowers, like the rising of sharp blades", have insight into the trend of history, express clear views, and write stories of their times.

More extensive participation naturally means more profound fetters. The youth of contemporary China are a generation marching with the new era. They are born in a flourishing age and shoulder heavy responsibilities. More and more young people pay wide attention to social hot spots, actively participate in public life, and express their personal feelings and personalities, so that "small emotions" can resonate with "big times" at the same frequency, and inject energy into the rising new trend. More importantly, they have a wealth of knowledge. Along with the unique style of the young generation, they have set off a wave of youth in all fields, transformed into a pioneer force that stands at the forefront of the times, and explored various possibilities leading to the future.

Of course, youth is not without mud, and growth is not all smooth. Young people also have their own confusion: where on earth to find poetry and distance? In particular, how can we create opportunities and channels to develop our ambitions when the pace of society is accelerating and competition is intensifying?

A heart without hope is like a barren wasteland. "Our youth is a growing and rising force, and their mission is to create new ways of life and living conditions according to the logic of history." The greatest reliance of young people is this youth; The most worthy memory of youth is the trace of chasing dreams and struggling. On the one hand, we should advocate for the "power of youth", give them more trust, dare to give opportunities and burden, and let the youthful spirit of swallowing dreams replace the twilight; On the other hand, young people themselves should also "move up" and "look forward", correctly deal with the temporary success and failure, not short of ambition when frustrated, and spread the seeds of hope on the land of struggle.

Youth, struggle. "The dictionary of youth is free of 'difficulties'; the spoken language of youth is free of' obstacles'." Use opportunities to stir up youth dreams, and use struggle to stimulate social vitality. The future of young people is limitless, so that we can imagine the future.

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(Editor in charge: Fan Meiqi, Qu Yuan)

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