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People's online review: Tear off the label, confident youth does not need to be defined

——"Generation Z, run forward" series review ②

Zheng Yan
May 3, 2024 08:47 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Reverse backsliding, rejecting "pie", opposing ineffective overtime, and daring to say "no" to leaders... For some time, the discussion about young people's "rectification of the workplace" has become a hot topic on the Internet, which also opens a window for understanding the current young people.

Many new employees of the post-00s are good at expressing their own opinions and do not blindly listen to and tolerate. In some people's eyes, this may be young and immature. In fact, it is in the open social environment that they have formed a strong sense of individual and right, and they are more pursuing equal treatment and mutual respect. At the same time, they are not short of good expectations for career prospects and enthusiasm for entrepreneurship. "Rectifying the workplace" is more like an explicit expression, containing a rational and pragmatic appeal.

Only by seeing the essence through the phenomenon can we clearly understand the diversity of contemporary youth. Answer "What is youth? What is youth?" Do not draw conclusions or simply label.

In the past, some people commented that young people are spoiled and spoiled, and they are the "Beat Generation"; Some people accuse young people of indulging themselves and naming them "non mainstream"; Recently, some people still try to define the state of young people by "lying flat young people". Reflecting on these evaluations is biased, and some evaluations have already been falsified.

Young people need to grow and have been growing. The post-90s doctoral advisor has "braved the wind and waves" and has repeatedly taken the lead in the international scientific research competition; After 00, athletes launched a sprint to the top of the competition and let the five-star red flag fly high in the international arena; College graduates go to the grass-roots level to grow their talents, strengthen their muscles and bones, and contribute their wisdom to the revitalization of the countryside... With the same wonderful youth, they respond to questions with action. Of course, not everyone has a dazzling resume. However, most of the young people who have completed their work conscientiously and lived a colorful business life are not the support of China's development.

However, compared with Shun's previous experience and other people's advice, many young people began to choose their own path. Bypass popular majors and join the unique knowledge of ancient characters and ancient creatures; To pave the way for the e-sports industry, "Internet Addict Youth" became the world champion. From the popular news, we can see that there is no fixed script and no unified path in life. As long as we are living a positive life and striving hard, we can shout out the sentence "Go your own way and let others talk", which not only demonstrates independence, but also is full of confidence.

The successful experience recognized by the secular world certainly has its reason, and the life choice of "taking me as the main factor" is also worth affirming. The younger generation is no longer the object of unilateral education controlled by predecessors, but has become the communicator and educator of new technologies and new things, the leader and promoter of conceptual change, and has the ability to cope with the complex world. In this sense, they do not want to be labeled, to accept bossy preaching, to live as the "back wave" in the eyes of others, which may not be self righteous. "My life is my own decision." Not being defined is one of the prominent characteristics of this generation of young people.

What youth looks like is what society looks like. In the agricultural society, people use 360 lines to imagine all kinds of professions; According to the 2022 Occupational Classification Ceremony, there are 1639 occupations in China. The reason why young people nowadays are not defined is due to social development, inclusive atmosphere and diverse opportunities. Meet the best era at the best age, and you can trust the horse to let the rein run and run your life.

Although one generation has its own long march, this generation of young people is not completely different from their predecessors. In the fight against the epidemic, young people march forward day and night; In the face of major issues of right and wrong, young people stick to the bottom line and do not focus on empty voices. Regardless of the changes in the situation, the quality of patriotism and love of the people, which is sincere, upward and good, has been passed on from generation to generation among young people. This is the greatest certainty to deal with uncertainty.

Needless to say, this generation of young people are facing new challenges, including busy work, family pressure and skill panic. There is nothing wrong with being confused and depressed, and temporary pessimism is not terrible. The key is not to bluff and blame, nor to blindly "support and kill". It should be the consensus of the whole society to look at challenges realistically, make every effort to relieve difficulties, and help young people to pass the threshold.

All things in life must be done by oneself. A small step is a long way. The young people who tear off the labels must go out on their own after all. Prepare your bags and set out to "customize" the way forward, which can also make your life shine and make different youth styles converge into the most beautiful picture of the times.

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(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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