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People's online review: "Buddha" is not lazy, but self mockery and ridicule

-- "Generation Z, run forward" series comments ①

Forest breeze
May 2, 2024 08:48 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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"Which would you choose between going to work and going to school?" "I choose Shangxiang." What would you think after seeing such a dialogue?

"XX Lies", "XX Paralysis" and other expression packs are frequently used in social software of young people. Is it true that contemporary young people are "Buddhas"?

If we only look at the various expressions and interactions on the Internet, it seems that contemporary young people are becoming "lazy", not struggling, not wanting. Regardless of consumption, work or life, there is more "cold air" and less "hot air", which seems to be a true portrayal of contemporary young people. Therefore, the "Buddhism" of young people once became a public topic of public opinion discussion, including some pessimistic "singing down" voices.

In fact, such a "portrait" is Facebook based and labeled, which is also biased. With the growth of the Internet, "Generation Z" naturally has a more keen sense of new words, new things and expressions in the "zero distance" network environment. Whether it is "Buddhism", "lying flat" or "mourning", it is the young people who develop and disseminate them. There are teasing, self mockery and even following the trend, but at the deeper level, it is the self-expression of the young generation based on their own psychological emotions and the experience of life around them, and it is also a relief of their own state and psychology.

The essence of most young people who consider themselves as "Buddhists" is self awakening, a group of people with clearer self selection and respect for multiple values. If it can't change "nine to five", then "the world is so big, I want to see it"; If you can't escape the ineffective "overtime", then develop the decompression "fishing method"; I hate being crowded on holidays, so I just "lie flat" in my circle of friends and "travel by cloud"; In the face of school and work multiple-choice questions, he threw out the alternative concept of "Shangxiang"... It seems like "Buddha", it seems like "self deconstruction" and even a little "broken pot", but behind it is a clear and firm answer to his own heart and life. The choice and answer of the "Buddhist" young people is their own creed - no sloppiness, no ambiguity. The ridicule of oneself and the refusal to whitewash the status quo also reveal that one's own "Buddha" also accepts and respects the "empathy" mode of getting along with others, which is the embodiment of the gradually younger concept of "pragmatism" and reflects the unique handling philosophy of the young generation.

There is no doubt that "Buddhism" cannot be equated with "laziness" and "not working hard". In life, even the young people of the "Buddhist School" are mostly "hot" in their own creeds. On social media, many young people shouting "Buddhism" are working hard, living and studying; On many softwares, "Buddhist" youths also posted posts to look for "matchups" for entrepreneurship or postgraduate entrance examination. Isn't this just an example of young people's love of hot life, continuous improvement and seeking for change? When encountering difficulties and setbacks, "Buddhist" youth often have a tenacity and the ability to quickly adjust, which benefits from their blessing on the emotional value of life, work and their various complaints. This catharsis needs to be listened to and faced up to. We can't just shout "You need heat" behind the young people. The key is to deliver more heat to them from the social policy, environment, labor mechanism and other guarantees to accompany the growth of young people. For example, we should fully listen to and understand the troubles and unhappiness of young people, and optimize their living costs, workplace environment, personal growth, and sense of value acquisition.

Youth is the backbone of society, and society is the "backer" of youth. Desire and laziness are not synonymous with contemporary youth. The young people of the "Buddhist School" just know more about what they want and don't want, and work hard and give full play to their beliefs and abilities. Now it's Youth Day again. Let's wish every youth a happy holiday and live up to their true selves.

(Editor in charge: Xu Yuhan, Qu Yuan)

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