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On the People: Let the Migrant Workers Have More Sense of Achievement

Spectral pine
April 30, 2024 13:59 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the results of the 2024 National May Day Labor Award and the National Worker Pioneer were announced. This year, 172 migrant workers were commended, accounting for 18.2%, a record high proportion, highlighting the importance and recognition of the state and society on migrant workers.

Migrant workers are the main force in promoting China's industrialization and urbanization. Thousands of migrant workers have made great contributions to economic and social development in the journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. The selection continues to be oriented towards the grassroots, front-line, ordinary workers and industrial workers. This is an affirmation and respect for the conscientious work of front-line workers at the grass-roots level, which can further promote the glory of labor, valuable skills and great fashion of the times in the whole society.

Achieve with merit and expand with talents. To develop new quality productivity and promote high-quality development, we must build a large, knowledge-based, skilled and innovative high-quality labor force. Nowadays, migrant workers have become the main body of industrial workers, many of whom have grown into professional talents and skilled workers, widely distributed in various industries. As the front-line workers, the commended migrant workers have practiced "doing, loving, learning, and refining" with practical actions, encouraging more workers to improve their skills, use their skills to realize their personal values, and achieve their dreams through struggle.

Let migrant workers enjoy more happiness and sense of gain. We should show our love for them in all aspects, so that the development achievements will benefit more grass-roots workers. Carry out service activities such as "learning to realize their dreams", "city warming migrant workers" and "spring warming migrant workers", strengthen training to help migrant workers improve their skills and quality, and build a service platform to protect the labor rights and interests of migrant workers... In recent years, the relevant departments have continuously improved the effectiveness of migrant workers' service security from talent training, optimizing services and other aspects. Only by enabling more migrant workers to have their own skills and better working conditions can they make greater achievements in the new era.

"Socialism comes from work, and the new era comes from struggle." No matter how the times develop, the spirit of labor and craftsmanship will never be outdated. Let more migrant workers and other front-line workers at the grass-roots level shine, and they will surely gather solid strength to promote high-quality development, and encourage workers to actively participate in the construction of Chinese style modernization.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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