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People's Online Review: We should adhere to the principle of "opening up and promoting development"

——The second of a series of comments on "Striving to Write a New Chapter in the Western Development"

Zheng Yin
09:44, April 30, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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General Secretary Xi Jinping recently hosted a symposium on promoting the development of the western region in a new era in Chongqing and delivered an important speech, emphasizing "vigorously promoting the construction of new land and sea channels in the western region", pointing out that "steadily expanding institutional opening up", requiring "deepening practical cooperation with the eastern, central and northeastern regions", and making arrangements and pointing out the direction for the western region to promote the development of the western region by opening up.

The western region plays an important role in the overall situation of national reform, development and stability. For a long time, due to historical and natural conditions, the economic foundation of the western region is relatively weak, and the degree of opening and development lags behind that of the eastern region. It should also be noted that many western provinces are rich in resources, adjacent to the border, have unique geographical conditions, and have advantages in the east-west linkage, regional coordination, and play a prominent role in expanding foreign trade and undertaking industrial transfer. By opening up to promote reform, development and innovation, the driving force for high-quality development in the western region will be stronger and the space will be broader.

Step out of the west and look across the country; Go out of the country and face the world. Since the CPC Central Committee made the deployment to promote the development of the western region in the new era to form a new pattern, the construction of an open economic pattern in the western region has been accelerated, and the capacity for high-quality development has been significantly improved. From deep integration into the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", to promoting the high-quality development of the pilot free trade zone, and to innovating the docking mechanism of the eastern, central and western open platforms, the western region is moving from the end of opening up to the front, becoming an important part of the pattern of interaction at home and abroad, and two-way economic cooperation between east and west. Facts have proved that improving the level of opening up to the outside world, on the one hand, improving the level of opening up to the outside world and export-oriented economy, on the other hand, strengthening the connection with other major development strategies, is not only the experience of the development of the western region, but also the direction of the next work.

Opening up is the only way to prosperity and development. In 1981, the total import and export volume of Sichuan Province was about US $100 million. In 2022, the total import and export volume of goods trade alone will reach US $151.17 billion. Over the years, the western region has made remarkable achievements in promoting the cross-border flow of commodities and factors on a larger scale and with higher quality. It should also be noted that China's opening to the outside world is changing from an opening based on the flow of commodities and factors to an opening based on rules and other systems. In Xinjiang, the first free trade pilot zone in the northwest border area was officially inaugurated; In Yunnan, the construction of China Laos and China Myanmar Border Economic Cooperation Zone was accelerated. Only by seizing the new opportunities of institutional opening up, improving the business environment, and accelerating the formation of an institutional system that is linked to the prevailing rules of international investment and trade, can the western region provide high-quality institutional supply for high-quality development.

To build a new development pattern, on the one hand, it is necessary to promote domestic and international double circulation, and on the other hand, it is necessary to take the domestic big circulation as the main body. To expand regional cooperation, the western region should find the right position and work together. As a key node of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, Yulin, Guangxi, has many labor-intensive enterprises overflowing from the east, as well as enterprises directly supporting the electronics and machinery industry chain of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The hot regional economy has written a vivid footnote for the expansion of cooperation in the western region. From the rapid development of urban agglomerations such as Huzhou, Baotou, Eyu and Ningxia along the Yellow River, to the continuous promotion of gas transmission from the west to the east and data calculation from the east to the west, and the promotion of complementary advantages and mutual aid in development between the east and the west, we can continue to narrow the regional gap and inject more momentum into the development of the west.

Adhering to high-quality development is the absolute principle of the new era. We should promote the development by opening up. Opening up is the means and development is the purpose. To improve the overall strength and sustainable development capacity of the region, we must emancipate our minds, show the courage of reform and innovation, abandon conservative and closed ideas, break the rules that restrict development, and open the door wider and wider; We must seize the opportunity, actively participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road", more actively serve major regional strategies, and learn from the development experience of other regions; We must focus on the implementation, and implement the decisions and arrangements of the central government in a detailed manner with a firm attitude of indomitable struggle and a firm attitude of being faithful and resolute.

Taking Chongqing as the coordinate, the China Europe Express runs westward to Europe, the "Chongqing Manchuria Russia" railway runs northward to Russia, and the Yangtze River golden waterway runs eastward to connect the central region and the Yangtze River Delta. The channels radiate in all directions, symbolizing that the open road is getting wider and wider. We will unswervingly promote the great opening up, the great development and the great development. A more dynamic, open and beautiful western China will bring more surprises and create more possibilities.

Related links:

People's online review: support high-quality development with high-level protection

(Editor in charge: Wang Caoqun, Qu Yuan)

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