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People's online review: "The Eighteen Gods" successfully flew into the sky, and the post-80s three people took a group to chase their dreams

09:04, April 26, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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"All is well! Bless China Aerospace!" "Go on another expedition, win another victory, and create another glory"... On the evening of April 25, with the continuous attention of netizens, Shenzhou 18 was successfully launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu Province. At 05:04 on April 26, the crew of Shenzhou XVII astronauts on orbit successfully opened the "home gate" and welcomed the crew of Shenzhou XVII astronauts from afar to the "Tiangong".

The two "Flying Group" with an average age of less than 40 years old met in the "Heavenly Palace", which was exciting. In the near future, the "space fish farming" expected by netizens will become a reality.

Dreams are precious and can not be separated from the sweat of pursuing dreams. The astronaut crew carrying out the Shenzhou 18 manned flight mission was composed of Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu, who were also born in the 1980s. This combination can not only give play to the "mentoring" effect of the elderly leading the new, but also fully reflect the greatest advantage of each focusing on and cooperating with each other. In 2021, Ye Guangfu followed the Shenzhou XIII to witness the opening of the era of long-term presence on the Chinese space station. From returning to the earth in April 2022 to going back to space in April 2024, Ye Guangfu has been "in the state". In his words, "the state of astronauts: they should be either flying or preparing to fly." It is this passion and determination to pursue dreams that has made countless astronauts work hard to make China's space industry face the stars and sea, and embark on further journey countless times.

The dream is in the relay, and the footsteps of the dreamer never stop. As the third batch of new astronauts, Li Cong and Li Guangsu were able to stand out and take on the important task because of the need to carry out layer by layer selection for the space station mission, and also because of their hard training and fearless challenges. Li Cong's dream of space flight originated from the shock of seeing Shenzhou V soaring into the sky in his youth. When he realized his dream of space, Li Cong was full of confidence: "I am ready, and I will finish my work." Li Guangsu was the only liberal arts student in the third batch of 18 astronauts. After more than three years of hard training, he completed the transition from pilot to astronaut, and his expectation for himself was to "take every step firmly". Through rigorous training, polishing and forging, more astronauts will be able to carry out their missions, which will help lay a better talent foundation for China's manned moon landings and other space missions in the future.

Over 30 years of hard work, China's manned spaceflight has never stopped. About 100 launch missions are expected to be carried out in 2024; The Chang'e-6 mission of the fourth phase of the lunar exploration project will land in the Antarctic Aitken basin on the back of the moon and sample back; After Shenzhou 18, Shenzhou 19 manned flight mission and Tianzhou 8 cargo spaceship replenishment mission will be carried out in succession... China Aerospace will continue to move towards a more vast sky. At the press conference of Shenzhou 18 manned mission, the responsible person introduced that the fourth batch of Chinese astronauts will be selected soon. After joining the team, they will work with the active astronauts to implement the follow-up mission of the space station and realize the Chinese landing on the moon. The space dream is an important part of the dream of becoming a powerful country. The individual space dream is integrated into the national dream of becoming a powerful country, and the space industry is built together to reach another peak.

The new era is an era of struggle to realize dreams. We are looking forward to the glorious and dream filled expeditions again and again, leaving more and more wonderful Chinese chapters in the vast space.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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