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People's online review: Continue the aerospace spirit, build a dream, and build a star sea

Tian Shaoxing
09:54, April 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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April 24 is the ninth China Aerospace Day. This year's Space Day will be held in Wuhan, Hubei Province, with the theme of "The ultimate vision of the sky, together with the stars".

"Exploring the vast universe, developing the aerospace industry and building a powerful aerospace country are our unremitting pursuit of the aerospace dream". Young space workers should take the initiative to take the baton of the older generation of space workers, inherit and carry forward the aerospace spirit, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, carry forward their ambition to serve the country, strengthen their responsibilities, and contribute their wisdom and strength to the realization of the space dream and the dream of becoming a powerful country.

We should uphold the ideal and belief that "revolutionary ideals are higher than the sky", and build a solid foundation of faith. People can't stand without ideals, and a country can't be strong without ideals. Looking back at the development process of China's space industry, it is extremely difficult. By virtue of their love for the motherland and their ideal and belief in China's aerospace industry, a number of anonymous aerospace personnel overcame various challenges and difficulties and embarked on a Chinese aerospace road of hard struggle, striving for strength, self-reliance and independent innovation from scratch. The "east wind" blowing, the "red flag" waving, the "eagle strike" in the sky, the "long sword" roaring into the sky... generations of aerospace people have written immortal aerospace stories with wisdom and sweat, leaving extremely valuable spiritual wealth to contemporary aerospace workers. That is the belief of loving the motherland, climbing the peak bravely, the courage to explore the unknown, the indomitable ambition, the ability to unite and cooperate Pursue outstanding collective wisdom. As a contemporary aerospace worker, we should deeply rooted in our belief, feel the power of truth from the great achievements of the aerospace industry, inherit and continue the aerospace spirit, and actively participate in the great journey of exploring the vast galaxy with a pioneering attitude, a fighting attitude, and a sprinting state.

We should adhere to the fighting spirit of "being tough even after thousands of blows" and adhere to the ambition of serving the country. The high-quality development of the aerospace industry cannot be separated from the spirit of the astronauts who stick to their ambition to serve the country and work tirelessly for the aerospace industry of the motherland. Once upon a time, under the condition of poor industrial foundation and weak foundation in our country, the vast number of aerospace scientific researchers braved difficulties and practiced their own deeds. Without laboratories, they transformed warehouses and toilets for scientific research; Without a computer, we can use a slide rule as a tool to draw with a ruler and a triangle. We must create a "star" and "bomb" to serve the motherland and the people. As space workers in the new era, we should use 100% boldness and courage to benchmark our space predecessors, never forget our original intention, remember our mission, work hard, forge ahead, define our own responsibility, conscientiously perform our duties and missions, actively participate in the frontline of aerospace work, and contribute to the high-quality development of the aerospace industry.

We should adhere to the value orientation of "no damage to Loulan, no return", and refine the spirit of hard work. China Aerospace, carrying the dream of the nation and writing the glory of the times, has made many remarkable achievements after more than 60 years of unremitting struggle, which is inseparable from the great sacrifice and outstanding contribution of countless people with lofty ideals in aerospace. Looking ahead, China's space industry still has a long way to go. Opening a new chapter and entering a new era, our aerospace industry is facing new development opportunities as well as various risks and challenges. This requires us to inherit and carry forward the aerospace spirit, uphold the value orientation that the interests of the motherland are above everything, focus on the main responsibility, clarify the timetable, mission statement and roadmap, anchor the direction of development, and be the doers, conquerors Strugglers.

The new era calls for new responsibilities, and the new era needs new achievements. The road of struggle will not be smooth. The vast majority of aerospace workers should draw on the strength of the aerospace spirit, brave the wind and waves, forge ahead bravely, and take responsibility, so as to contribute more to building a strong aerospace country.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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