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People's online review: village branch office has 20 business licenses. What's the "photo"?

Qiu Feng
April 22, 2024 16:08 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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It is a good thing to create a good business environment and promote the multiplication of business entities. However, some grassroots cadres in Yanggao County, Datong, Shanxi Province, reported that there was serious fraud in the local implementation of the "doubling of market entities" plan. The media reporter found that 23 business entities were registered under the name of a village branch secretary. At present, the local government has responded that, after preliminary verification, there is indeed fraud in the work.

The village branch secretary who registered 23 business entities must be helpless and helpless. Of the 23 business entities, only 3 are cooperatives actually operated before 2022, and the remaining 20 have individual businesses, cooperatives and companies, involving shoe stores, clothing stores, fruit stores, freight teams, breeding plants, aquatic stores, flower stores, building materials plants, two convenience stores and one nail salon. The village secretary "engaged" in a wide range of industries, which is amazing. But at a glance, we can see that there is something fishy in it. In order to complete the task, this village secretary has to spell it.

Why is it so hard? The report made it clear that the county assigned the task of doubling the number of business entities to the villages and towns, and then the villages and towns assigned village secretaries. "This month, the task was just completed, and next month, the task came again." "Every month, we must report, and we cannot be criticized.". The pressure is transferred layer by layer, and the task is apportioned layer by layer, so the village secretary has to pull people's heads. In this case, if he can't finish the task, he has to "go bareback", or even resort to fraud.

Should the village secretary be punished for forging? If we only put the board on the village secretary, it is obviously unfair, which not only covers the truth, but also ignores the problem. The reason is that the formalism of assigning tasks, calculating assessment and apportioning at all levels alienates the work pressure at the grass-roots level and leads to extremes.

The central government has always said no to assigning tasks at random. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission have also publicly reported 10 typical cases of formalism and bureaucracy that have increased the burden on the grass-roots level, some of which have exposed such persistent problems as inaction, excessive leaving traces, layer upon layer overweight, and unrealistic task indicators.

Specifically, the multiplication of business entities in Yanggao County has changed its flavor in the process of promotion. For example, moving from county to township is just apportionment, regardless of feasibility. For another example, in order to achieve unrealistic goals, even resorting to coercive measures, "we will be criticized if we fail". These practices are unreasonable and inconsistent and should be corrected in time. In other words, we should allow such a "showdown" to continue.

The multiplication of business entities should be practical and realistic; We must obey the law and never deviate from reality. The data adulterated with water will bring serious consequences, which may mislead decision-making and is not conducive to local development - local grassroots cadres said, "The market subject has grown a lot, and the data is beautiful, but in fact, it is useless for economic development, and it can not solve the practical difficulties of farmers."

The village branch secretary handled 20 business licenses. What did the "photos" show? It shows the disadvantages of apportionment and formalism, and so on. How to solve it? Instead of simply calling a halt, we should solve the problem from the root and make practical rectification.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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