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People's Online Review: "Zero Tolerance" Cracks Down on Crimes that Destroy Ecological Security

Meng Zhe
09:05, April 19, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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A greening limited company illegally occupied the cultivated land of 5 villages in Pingyao County and carried out landfill construction, resulting in serious destruction of land vegetation conditions; A building materials company illegally dumped more than 2 million tons of fly ash (general industrial solid waste) to Yixian County, Linghai and other places, causing serious environmental pollution; A building materials limited company exceeded the specified design, excavated about 15000 square meters of mountain without authorization, and illegally mined more than 360000 cubic meters of limestone for building stones, causing serious damage to the local ecological environment.

April 15 is the ninth national security education day for all. In order to further enhance the whole society's awareness of safeguarding national ecological security, the Ministry of Public Security recently announced eight typical cases of endangering ecological security. The typical cases announced this time have played a warning role and demonstrated the determination of the public security organs to crack down on crimes against ecological security in accordance with the law with a "zero tolerance" attitude. The release of typical cases reminds everyone that maintaining national ecological security requires everyone's participation and responsibility.

To maintain national ecological security, prevention and management are the key points. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has constantly improved the system of ecological civilization, defined the ecological red line with the strictest system and the strictest rule of law, guarded green waters and mountains, and promoted the construction of a beautiful China. However, it should also be clearly seen that in some regions, environmental governance and protection are not paid enough attention, and some enterprises or individuals are indifferent to the rule of law, breaking through the bottom line and red line from time to time, without a correct understanding of the relationship between production and environmental protection.

On the occasion of the National Security Education Day, a number of typical cases of endangering ecological security were announced to draw inferences from one instance and prevent small things from creeping up. Although the typical case problems only appear in a few areas, the negative impact can not be ignored. All regions must pay attention to it, learn from typical cases, deeply reflect on it, immediately organize self-examination and self correction, promote reform with cases, severely punish acts that damage the ecological environment, let the lawbreakers pay the price, and contain problems that endanger ecological security in the bud.

There is no end to ecological environment protection, and the construction of ecological civilization must make unremitting efforts for a long time. Ecological environment protection is a systematic work, facing a wide range of problems. In this process, all regions and departments should work together and cooperate closely to establish a sound long-term mechanism to achieve resource sharing, responsibility sharing and benefit sharing. At the same time, maintaining ecological security is an obligation of every citizen, and everyone needs to participate in ecological protection actions. Only through the joint efforts of the whole society can a good atmosphere be formed in which everyone cares, supports and participates in ecological environment protection. Practice has proved that only through cooperation in all aspects can we establish a sound ecological governance system, so as to protect the ecological environment more effectively and maintain the national ecological security.

Ecological security concerns the vital interests of each of us and is our common responsibility. I believe that with the joint efforts of the whole society, we will be able to build an indestructible ecological security wall, protect the green home, and leave a piece of blue water and sky for future generations.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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