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People's online review: Gather the great positive energy to write the new chapter of building a powerful country

Jiang Meng
08:18, April 17, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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The "post-90s couple" guarding the border wrote "loving home is patriotism" with their youth, the takeaway boy jumped into the river to save people, and China's "good neighbor" climbed the window to save children in the burning fire... The results of the 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and broadcast event sponsored by the Central Cyberspace Office were announced recently, and 550 positive energy network works stood out. A noble and grounded figure, full of positive energy deeds, presented in front of the vast number of netizens, showing a vigorous upward force, confirming the great love for China's beauty and common.

The positive energy of China is gathered by the Chinese people. The 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and exhibition activity will vigorously promote the good fashion of uplifting, benevolent and brave, and keeping watch and helping each other through all media communication means, eulogize the charm of China, and use a variety of high-quality works to effectively inspire, inspire and lead people.

Positive energy blooms in youth, showing vitality. Many "post-90s" and even "post-00s" have become the protagonists of the positive energy story. They have taken over the mission of building the motherland and have stood up again and again when the people need them. Young people shed sweat, tears and even blood to keep up with hard jobs, overcome neck problems, and resolve crises... The youth with positive energy become the backbone of the society, so that the realization of the Chinese Dream is full of youthful vitality, and provide inexhaustible fresh blood for the country.

Mortal glimmer, spark into a torch. The shining of positive energy is not only in the form of high mountains, but also in the ordinary and great vivid practice. Whether at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation, on the road to rural revitalization, or at the outpost of border defense, there are people who are down-to-earth, hardworking and energetic everywhere. People in ordinary positions pay day after day to ensure the normal operation of society. There is no lack of beauty in life, nor the discovery of beauty. 2023 The exhibition activity of China Positive Energy Network boutique collection will explore, present and eulogize the splendor of the spark, so that the spirit of "great comes from ordinary, ordinary makes great" will further enter the hearts of millions of Internet users.

Cyberspace needs positive energy, and the development of the times is even more inseparable from positive energy. Especially in the era of multiple values and voices, the main theme should be sung loudly. As an important measure to continuously strengthen the supply of positive energy on the Internet, the 2023 China Positive Energy Network Excellence Gathering and Broadcasting Activity focuses on new changes in China's development, social events, and good examples of benevolence. Through the in-depth, dynamic, and warm network excellence, it further expands the mainstream ideology and public opinion in the cyberspace, leads large traffic with positive energy, and builds a clear cyberspace. The online and offline activities are actively linked to further promote the social trend.

Only with positive energy can we reach the far end. To forge ahead in a new journey and a new era, we must further sublimate spiritual civilization and strength. Vigorously carrying forward China's positive energy and polishing the spirit of unity and struggle will lead the Chinese people to continue to forge ahead, overcome the difficulties on the way forward, and write a new chapter of building a strong country.

(Editor in charge: Tong Zongli, Qu Yuan)

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