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People's Online Review: Let Chinese people's jobs be more secure

Meng Zhe
08:35, April 12, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Food security is "the biggest of the country". Recently, the State Council issued the Action Plan for a New Round of 100 Billion kg Grain Productivity Improvement (2024-2030) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan), comprehensively implementing a new round of 100 billion kg grain productivity improvement action, and comprehensively consolidating the foundation of national food security.

In order to improve the level of national food security, in 2009, China issued the National Plan for Increasing Grain Production Capacity by 100 Billion jin (2009-2020), which proposed that the grain production capacity should reach more than 1.1 trillion jin by 2020. In fact, China's grain output in 2020 has reached more than 1.3 trillion kg, which is ahead of the planned goal and far exceeds the expected goal.

Although China's grain harvest year after year, does not mean that we can rest easy. It should be noted that in 2015, the grain output exceeded 1.3 trillion kg, and remained above 1.3 trillion kg for nine consecutive years. This shows that, on the one hand, China's grain production has been bumper year after year, and its grain production capacity has been significantly improved; On the other hand, the grain production capacity has also met the bottleneck of development, and the promotion of more than 100 billion kg has become an arduous task.

We should be soberly aware that, at present, the uncertainties of the international situation are increasing, the rigid growth of domestic grain demand and the difficulty of increasing production coexist, and the tight balance between grain supply and demand will exist for a long time. Only by making efforts inward, further improving grain production capacity and optimizing the variety structure can the national food security be effectively guaranteed.

If the goal is clear, the direction will be bright; if the direction is bright, the step will be firm. The Action Plan proposes that by 2030, China's new grain production capacity will reach more than 100 billion jin, and the focus of capacity improvement will be on corn and soybeans. Maize focuses on integrated supporting facilities and unit yield, while soybean focuses on taking multiple measures to tap potential. Corn and soybean are important crop varieties in China, the basis for ensuring national food security, and also important feed and oil crops, which are of great significance for the development of animal husbandry and oil industry. By focusing on corn and soybeans, optimize the planting structure, improve their yield and quality, and promote agricultural modernization.

Let grain farmers make more profits. Whether farmers are willing to plant grain and how much grain they grow depends on whether they can earn money. Farmers are the main force to ensure food security, and the main production areas are the ballast stone to ensure food security. The Action Plan proposes to improve the benefit guarantee mechanism for grain farmers and the benefit compensation mechanism for major grain producing areas. From improving and optimizing the subsidy policy for grain farmers, to raising funds through multiple channels, strengthening the guarantee of grain production investment, to vigorously cultivating new agricultural operators, improving the ability of agricultural socialized services, through all aspects to form joint forces, take multiple measures, and implement comprehensive policies, maximize the enthusiasm of grain farmers and the enthusiasm of grain production areas, so that grain farmers can make money Grains in the main production areas will not suffer losses.

We should know that there are still many weaknesses in China's comprehensive grain production capacity. It is urgent to improve infrastructure conditions and material equipment level. To this end, the Action Plan, centering on the key areas and weak links of food production, plans and deploys nine major supporting projects, including agricultural water-saving and water supply, high standard farmland construction, seed industry revitalization, grain yield improvement, grain green production, agricultural mechanization improvement, agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation, comprehensive utilization of saline and alkaline land, and grain processing, storage and logistics capacity building. Improving the comprehensive agricultural production capacity is a favorable "weapon" to implement a new round of 100 billion kg grain production capacity improvement action, which will effectively improve the comprehensive grain production capacity.

Difficult as it is, you will succeed. The food problem concerns China's development and stability, and is also the basis of all our work. The whole society should take active action, strictly implement the responsibility of the party and the government for food security, accelerate the tackling of key agricultural technologies and focus on the improvement of yield potential per unit area, and strive to promote the grain production capacity to a new level at an early date, so that the Chinese people can have a better job.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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