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People's online review: comprehensively improve the level of cultural protection, inheritance and utilization

Qiu Mian
April 11, 2024 16:33 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Great China, great civilization. Cultural relics and cultural heritage, bearing the genes and blood of the Chinese nation, are non renewable and irreplaceable resources of excellent Chinese civilization. Only by strengthening cultural protection, inheritance and utilization can the historical and cultural heritage left by the old ancestors be carefully protected and the historical context be better inherited.

"Historic and cultural cities, towns, villages and blocks will be more effectively protected and developed", "the system of nature reserves with national parks as the main body will be further improved", "the level of protection and display of world cultural heritage will be continuously, comprehensively and systematically improved", "public cultural service facilities will be further improved"... National Development and Reform Commission The State Administration of Cultural Heritage and other departments revised the Implementation Plan for Cultural Protection, Inheritance and Utilization Project (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Plan), defined the overall objectives, deployed the construction tasks, and printed and distributed them for implementation. The revised Implementation Plan has guiding significance for the next step of cultural heritage protection and inheritance.

Cultural protection, inheritance and utilization, first of all, should correctly handle the relationship between protection and utilization, protection and development, protection and development. For all kinds of cultural heritage, the protection work should be put first, adhere to the principle of minimum intervention, avoid excessive development, and eliminate the demolition of real and fake. In the process of development and utilization, it is necessary to achieve fine transformation, adapt measures to local conditions and seek truth from facts to do a good job of embroidery, and strive for innovative development on the basis of characteristic culture, so as to achieve organic integration of tradition and modernity. The vitality of cultural heritage can be sustainable only if it is well protected and then well utilized.

We should focus on key areas. The revised Implementation Plan defines the three major construction tasks of national cultural heritage protection and inheritance, national natural heritage protection and display, and modern civilization display of the Chinese nation, and lists the relevant construction contents and screening standards. This is just like the implementation of cultural protection, inheritance and utilization project, which clarifies the direction and highlights. In particular, relevant construction tasks should be closely centered on the construction of cultural power, expanding domestic demand, cultural security, cultural and tourism integration, as well as major regional development strategies, national key cultural projects, world-class tourist attractions and resorts. The implementation of key projects in these key areas and efforts to create cultural boutiques are more conducive to improving the level of public cultural services and promoting the overall protection and living inheritance of excellent traditional culture and precious natural heritage.

The purpose of cultural protection, inheritance and utilization is to benefit the masses and serve the people. In the final analysis, let more cultural heritage go to the masses and integrate into life, and cultural heritage will be more valuable in the times. For example, in the Implementation Plan, it is proposed to support the transformation and utilization of historical buildings and the construction of intangible cultural heritage inheritance and display facilities in existing buildings where conditions permit, including public welfare exhibition theaters, production and learning houses, skill exhibition halls, etc. We will give full play to the leading role of major projects, pool our joint efforts, make up for weaknesses, and focus on solving the problems of insufficient supply, low level, and unbalanced layout in the field of cultural tourism. This can also better meet the people's urgent needs for high-quality cultural life.

Cultural protection, inheritance and utilization is a major project, which must be coordinated and comprehensively guaranteed. This not only requires the relevant regions and departments to strengthen cooperation and implement their responsibilities, but also needs to do everything possible to improve the element guarantee, establish a stable investment guarantee mechanism, ensure that funds, talents and other resources converge in the project, and effectively guarantee the project quality. In the future, we should protect the historical and cultural heritage as well as cherish our own lives. Through professional protection, refined transformation, characteristic display, and innovative development, we should constantly improve the level of cultural and natural heritage protection, thus promoting cultural tourism integration and high-quality development, and better meet the people's needs for a better life.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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