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People's Online Review: Gather the positive energy of the network and sing the theme of striving

Shen Ruochong
08:35, April 3, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the results of the 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and broadcast event hosted by the Central Cyberspace Office were announced. After the primary election, online voting, final election and other links, five categories of online boutiques recognized by 550 netizens, social recognition, and wide influence emerged. These masterpieces, imbued with the spirit of the times and full of struggle, gather a strong positive energy of upward mobility, and provide rich spiritual nourishment for the new journey and the new era.

The year 2023 is extraordinary. Hundreds of millions of people will carve their struggle in the growth ring of history and write down the magnificent picture of splendid China with sweat. The space relay of the Shenzhou family reflects the ambition of Chinese astronauts to climb to the top of science and technology; The Chengdu Universiade and Hangzhou Asian Games are brilliant and colorful, which witness the hard work of sports athletes; The hard work of farmers and agricultural science and technology workers is behind the realization of "twenty consecutive harvests" in grain production. The efforts of countless people have converged into the surging tide of the times, and the efforts of every ordinary person have superimposed into a solid step forward for China. These positive energy works, from different sides and angles, outline a vibrant and energetic China, and let us remember the figure of watching and helping each other when the flood comes, the little brother of Hangzhou who leaps in the critical moment, and the border guards who patrol in the snow, which have become enduring memories and precious wealth.

It is an inevitable requirement for building a network spiritual home to lead large flow with positive energy and let large flow surge with positive energy. Over the past year, adhering to positive energy is the general requirement, being able to manage is the absolute principle, and being able to use well is the real skill. Relevant departments have deeply implemented the network content construction project, making the party's voice the strongest voice in cyberspace. It is a powerful measure to cultivate a positive, healthy and positive network culture to hold the exhibition activity of China Positive Energy Network Boutique Collection. From carrying out a series of brand projects such as "looking at the main peak in the majesty of mountains", "writing the youth chapter on the motherland", "why China in the golden age" and so on, to the mainstream media playing the main role, constantly improving the supply capacity of high-quality content, the vast number of content creators consciously practice their mission, and launch more works "touching the soil", "bringing dew" and "taking heat". The construction of network content has taken rapid and steady steps, and phenomenal financial media products have emerged constantly, promoting more abundant positive energy and a higher theme.

It is the central task of the Party and the country in the new era and new journey to comprehensively promote the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization, which is also the common cause of hundreds of millions of people. On the new journey, our future is bright, but the road ahead will not be flat. In the face of a more glorious mission and a more serious challenge, we must summon up our spirit, work hard, seize the momentum and overcome difficulties. Taking the opportunity of the high-quality exhibition of China Positive Energy Network, we will continue to shape an uplifting spirit and sing the theme of unity and forge ahead, which will surely enable hundreds of millions of people to closely tie together. On the one hand, we should give full play to the value orientation role of online boutiques, encourage more people to join in the creation and dissemination of positive energy content, provide more valuable spiritual food for hundreds of millions of people, and continue to consolidate and strengthen mainstream ideological and public opinion. On the other hand, it is necessary to give full play to the important role of positive energy in inspiring, inspiring and leading people, constantly expand the influence and coverage of positive energy works, gather bright stars with sparks, and illuminate the road of striving.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of China's full-featured access to the Internet. Over the past 30 years, China has had more than 1 billion Internet users, forming the world's largest digital society, and is moving from a network power to a network power. Facing the future, we will continue to strengthen the management of cyberspace, and continue to build a spiritual home with clean spirit and abundant positive energy, which will surely enable the Internet to better benefit the country and people, and inspire hundreds of millions of Internet users to jointly write a new chapter of power building and national rejuvenation with surging positive energy.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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