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People come to talk: improve the professional level and promote the quality and expansion of domestic economy

Spectral pine
09:35, March 28, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Maternal and infant care, family cleaning, cooking, elderly care services... With the gradual improvement of people's living standards and the deepening of the aging degree, the demand of society for domestic services is growing rigidly, and the requirements for services are becoming increasingly high-quality and diversified.

In order to promote the improvement of the quality of domestic service, recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Commerce and other departments, issued the Work Points for Promoting the Quality and Capacity Improvement of Domestic Service Industry in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Work Points), proposing to implement the "ten major actions" to improve service quality. It is clear that the professional level of domestic workers should be improved.

Domestic service is not only a popular project closely related to thousands of households, but also a livelihood cause closely linked to promoting consumption and expanding employment. In recent years, in order to promote the high-quality development of domestic service industry and better meet the needs of the people, the state and relevant departments have continued to make efforts. The Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Quality and Capacity Improvement of the Domestic Service Industry, the Special Action Plan for the Standardization of Elderly Care and Domestic Service, the Guiding Opinions on Supporting and Guiding the Transformation and Development of the Employee System in the Domestic Service Industry and other documents have been issued one after another to guide the healthy development of the industry and solve the problem that people "can't find, buy and use" And other issues provide a strong policy guarantee. In terms of implementation, we will focus on the development of employee enterprises, promote homemaking into communities, carry out homemaking training and improvement, "leader" and credit construction, and accelerate the improvement and upgrading of the homemaking industry.

Driven by demand and support, the domestic service industry has developed rapidly, but there are still some problems, such as insufficient effective supply, non-standard industry development, and low public satisfaction. Therefore, we must continue to improve the quality of service supply and promote the quality of domestic service.

The key to improving service quality is talents. To improve the quality of domestic service, the first thing is to improve the professional quality of employees. This year's "Key Points of Work" proposed to carry out actions to improve the professionalism of domestic workers. Specifically, it is necessary to optimize the connection between employment services and vocational skills training, improve the pertinence and practicality of vocational skills training, and organize and carry out vocational skills competitions in the field of home economics. These measures will help to improve the skills of some domestic service personnel and their weak service awareness, which is of great significance to improve the social identity of domestic service personnel and standardize the development of the industry.

"Domestic service is a sunrise industry and also a love project, which has great prospects." In the process of promoting the high-quality development of domestic service industry, we also need to do a good job in the industry development and the protection of the rights and interests of employees, so that practitioners have a stronger sense of professional honor, greater sense of social responsibility, and more stable employment. In this way, we can have more confidence to constantly improve the level of professionalism, and better help the industry to improve quality, Let people feel relieved and satisfied.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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