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On the People: Change the Style of Work to Reduce the Burden at the Grassroots Level

In the landscape
March 28, 2024 13:16 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Meetings are always urged, forms are everywhere, archives are everywhere... The "soft nails" of various formalism once occupied a lot of time and energy of grassroots cadres. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has taken the rectification of formalism as an important part of the Party's style construction, made overall arrangements and continued to promote, solved a number of outstanding problems and stopped some unhealthy practices. However, it should also be noted that the problem of style is stubborn and repetitive. The disadvantages of formalism and bureaucracy are not cold in a day, and it is not a day's work to reduce the burden on the grass-roots level. Only by taking the nail driving spirit as a constant effort and taking a long time as a result, and using the self revolutionary spirit to find the focus and apply medicine to the disease, can grass-roots cadres really unload the burden and move forward with light clothing, Promote the implementation of work by changing the style of work.

The persistent disease of formalism is rooted in the misplacement of the view of political achievements and the lack of sense of responsibility. Some leaders only pay attention to their so-called "political achievements" and ignore the reality of the grass-roots level. They make decisions by beating their heads and hearts, and are enthusiastic about "material political achievements", "digital political achievements", "image projects" and "face projects". They are eager for quick success and quick success, and the upper level moves their mouth and the grass-roots level breaks its legs; Some leaders lack the sense of responsibility, and under the banner of "territorial management", they cast their own responsibility to the grassroots, took accountability as a "shield" to shirk responsibility, and carried out the practice of "layer by layer responsibility dumping" in the name of "layer by layer pressure transmission"... Leading organs and leading cadres at all levels should firmly establish the concept of political achievements to benefit the people, consider problems The deployment work should think more about whether it has added unnecessary burden to the grass-roots level, change "give me a hand" to "follow me", and make efforts at all levels to lay the foundation, benefit the long-term, produce results, and create real achievements.

In order to reduce the burden at the grass-roots level, we should not simply "reduce it once" or even "move from one extreme to another". Instead, we should adhere to the principle of simultaneous efforts to break through and eliminate corruption, focus on changing ideas, leadership methods and working methods, get rid of the path dependence of "no meeting is no attention, no writing is no action", and get rid of the "whether the work is good or not depends on the material summary table" We should improve our work style and governance efficiency. Promote a new change in the style of writing, which is short and solid, and release articles that are "small and quick" and "grounded", rather than unrealistic and empty; Hold meetings that are pragmatic and effective, and solve problems, rather than holding high-profile meetings; Promote the transformation of supervision, inspection and examination from a variety of names and repetition to a few but refined, deep and solid. From simply examining "materials" and "traces" to focusing on the results and "potential achievements", from blindly finding out problems and giving orders at will to both finding and helping solve problems; Make good use of big data, cloud computing and other technical means to break the data barrier, strengthen the sharing of information resources, and free "cousins" from the shackles of filling in forms. Carry forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots", promote innovative practices such as "street and township whistling, department registration", "people call me", "handling complaints immediately", and form a good situation of improving efficiency layer by layer and everyone pays attention to implementation.

Grass roots are the foundation of the Party's governance and the source of its strength. Grass roots cadres are propagandists, executors and implementers of the Party's various principles and policies. In order to reduce the burden at the grass-roots level, we should combine the loosening of constraints and the empowerment of care. We should give more timely help to the grass-roots level and less blaming for perfection, so that the grass-roots cadres can have less difficulties and more resources, and better take on the role and do business. To this end, it is necessary to clarify the boundaries of power and responsibility at the grass-roots level, and make it clear at a glance what the grass-roots level should do, what it can do, and what responsibilities it should take, so as to prevent the phenomenon that "territorial management" is a basket, and everything is loaded into it "; Also, we need to deepen reform to empower grass-roots authorities, promote the tilt of social resources, management authority, people and property to the front-line of the grass-roots level, increase the care for grass-roots cadres, promote the unity of responsibility and rights, and effectively solve the problems of "small horses pulling big cars", "what can be seen can not be managed, what can be managed can not be seen" and so on.

(Editor in charge: Zhuang Hongtao, Qu Yuan)

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